Italian MPs Show Solidarity in Sderot

Cross posted by Findalis from Monkey in the Middle

By Anav Silverman – Sderot Media Center

In a unique show of solidarity, a delegation of 70 Italians, including 24 members of the Italian Parliament visited Sderot this past Monday, December 8. The Italian delegation brought with them a copy of a letter, written by members of the Italian Parliament, addressed to Gilad Schalit, the IDF solider captured two years ago who remains in the hands of Hamas in Gaza.

Photo: Hamutal Ben Shitrit

In a press conference facilitated by Sderot Media Center, the Italian delegation, which included members from various Italian political parties, presented the letter to a representative of the Schalit family, Medi Cohen. Rossana Boldi, President of the Committee on European Affairs, and acting as representative of the group, stated that the letter had been signed by many important members of the Italian Parliament in the hopes of getting the International Red Cross in Rome to hand the letter to Gilad Schalit.

Boldi cited during the press conference that the International Red Cross had not paid one visit to Gilad Schalit since his capture, and continues to ignore the plight of Sderot residents living under Palestinian rocket fire.

“Israel has a right to exist in security,” said Boldi, “and Gilad Schlit has every right to return home.”

Medi Cohen, speaking on behalf of the Schalit family, responded by stating that a week previously she and other Gilad Schalit supporters protested in front of the Shikma Prison in Ashkelon, which houses Hamas terrorists. “You could see Palestinian mothers freely entering the prison to visit their imprisoned sons. These Hamas terrorists are treated fairly and according to international law–they receive free medical treatment and proper care from Israeli authorities,” said Cohen. “Gilad on the other hand, has been denied everything. Hamas prevents any form of communication with Gilad from the outside word. Gilad has not been allowed to even speak with his family for two years,” said Cohen bitterly.

David Bouskilla, Sderot’s recently elected mayor was also present at the press conference and warmly welcomed the Italian delegation to Sderot. “The city of Sderot has strong ties with the Italian community,” Bouskilla stated. When Bouskilla was mayor of Sderot eight years ago, he oversaw the building of the only rocket-protected theater in the entire Negev which was funded partly by the Italian Keren Hayesod.

Photo: Hamutal Ben Shitrit

Mayor Bouskilla also added that Sderot residents have been standing alone in the face of continuing Palestinian rockets. “Our children and families are forced to sit and accept this situation, as rockets continue to hit our homes, properties, playgrounds and schools,” said Bouskilla. “It is more important than ever to have the support of the international community, especially from a country like Italy” he told the Italian delegation.

Indeed, it was both encouraging and inspiring to see the concern exhibited by the Italian government officials for Sderot civilians in light of the 200 or more Qassam rockets that have been fired against Sderot and the Negev since early November. During the brief stop at the Sderot police station, where hundreds of Qassam rockets are stored away, the Italian delegation expressed their shock at the way life in Sderot has dramatically altered due to the terror generated by Palestinian rocket fire. “It is disturbing to think how Israeli children must live in this kind of reality,” said one Italian official.

In the scheme of world affairs, Sderot children at least have a few friends back in the Italian Parliament.

From Monkey in the Middle:

It is nice to see that the Children of Sderot have a few friends in the world since they have none in the Olmert government. No matter how they plea and cry, Olmert will not even try to stop the rocket attacks that have been occurring daily for the past 8 years.

View at YouTube

But you can help. Write your Representatives in Congress demanding that the US do something to force the end to these attacks. Write your Senator. And you can give a small donation to the Sderot Media Center. You can give a child of Sderot a little Christmas/Hanukkah gift. It would be a nice gesture in support.

Italian MPs Show Solidarity in Sderot

Cross posted by Findalis from Monkey in the Middle

By Anav Silverman – Sderot Media Center

In a unique show of solidarity, a delegation of 70 Italians, including 24 members of the Italian Parliament visited Sderot this past Monday, December 8. The Italian delegation brought with them a copy of a letter, written by members of the Italian Parliament, addressed to Gilad Schalit, the IDF solider captured two years ago who remains in the hands of Hamas in Gaza.

Photo: Hamutal Ben Shitrit

In a press conference facilitated by Sderot Media Center, the Italian delegation, which included members from various Italian political parties, presented the letter to a representative of the Schalit family, Medi Cohen. Rossana Boldi, President of the Committee on European Affairs, and acting as representative of the group, stated that the letter had been signed by many important members of the Italian Parliament in the hopes of getting the International Red Cross in Rome to hand the letter to Gilad Schalit.

Boldi cited during the press conference that the International Red Cross had not paid one visit to Gilad Schalit since his capture, and continues to ignore the plight of Sderot residents living under Palestinian rocket fire.

“Israel has a right to exist in security,” said Boldi, “and Gilad Schlit has every right to return home.”

Medi Cohen, speaking on behalf of the Schalit family, responded by stating that a week previously she and other Gilad Schalit supporters protested in front of the Shikma Prison in Ashkelon, which houses Hamas terrorists. “You could see Palestinian mothers freely entering the prison to visit their imprisoned sons. These Hamas terrorists are treated fairly and according to international law–they receive free medical treatment and proper care from Israeli authorities,” said Cohen. “Gilad on the other hand, has been denied everything. Hamas prevents any form of communication with Gilad from the outside word. Gilad has not been allowed to even speak with his family for two years,” said Cohen bitterly.

David Bouskilla, Sderot’s recently elected mayor was also present at the press conference and warmly welcomed the Italian delegation to Sderot. “The city of Sderot has strong ties with the Italian community,” Bouskilla stated. When Bouskilla was mayor of Sderot eight years ago, he oversaw the building of the only rocket-protected theater in the entire Negev which was funded partly by the Italian Keren Hayesod.

Photo: Hamutal Ben Shitrit

Mayor Bouskilla also added that Sderot residents have been standing alone in the face of continuing Palestinian rockets. “Our children and families are forced to sit and accept this situation, as rockets continue to hit our homes, properties, playgrounds and schools,” said Bouskilla. “It is more important than ever to have the support of the international community, especially from a country like Italy” he told the Italian delegation.

Indeed, it was both encouraging and inspiring to see the concern exhibited by the Italian government officials for Sderot civilians in light of the 200 or more Qassam rockets that have been fired against Sderot and the Negev since early November. During the brief stop at the Sderot police station, where hundreds of Qassam rockets are stored away, the Italian delegation expressed their shock at the way life in Sderot has dramatically altered due to the terror generated by Palestinian rocket fire. “It is disturbing to think how Israeli children must live in this kind of reality,” said one Italian official.

In the scheme of world affairs, Sderot children at least have a few friends back in the Italian Parliament.

From Monkey in the Middle:

It is nice to see that the Children of Sderot have a few friends in the world since they have none in the Olmert government. No matter how they plea and cry, Olmert will not even try to stop the rocket attacks that have been occurring daily for the past 8 years.

View at YouTube

But you can help. Write your Representatives in Congress demanding that the US do something to force the end to these attacks. Write your Senator. And you can give a small donation to the Sderot Media Center. You can give a child of Sderot a little Christmas/Hanukkah gift. It would be a nice gesture in support.

Instruments of Love and Harmony #4

From comes Final Statement of Catholic-Muslim Forum “Called to Be Instruments of Love and Harmony”
For background information about the meetings, see this Reuters article of 11/06/08.

The statement includes an enumerated list of fifteen points which present a target rich environment In this installment, I’ll take on the fourth point of agreement.[Links & emphasis added.]

We affirm that God’s creation of humanity has two great aspects: the male and the female human person, and we commit ourselves jointly to ensuring that human dignity and respect are extended on an equal basis to both men and women.

Taken at face value, the fourth point means that the Muslims participating in the meeting accept the concept of gender equality. By so doing, they would sever themselves from Allah and become apostates.

Allah said “Your wives are a tilth for you“. World Reference defines tilth as: “cultivated land, farmland, plowland, ploughland, tilled land,”. Ibn Kathir affirms the fact that 2:223 is a proscription of anal intercourse. According to Ibn Abbas, “the vulvas of your wives are plantations for your offspring“. It is clear that Islam values women for reproductive capacity. Is the land a farmer tills equal to him? Does it share his dignity? Unless he is a slave, sharecropper or renter, it is his property.

An-Nisa’ 34 is generally cited as divine permission for wife beating but I want to point out its masculine supremacism.

  • 4:34. Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made one of them to excel the other, and because they spend (to support them) from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient (to Allah and to their husbands), and guard in the husband’s absence what Allah orders them to guard (e.g. their chastity, their husband’s property, etc.). As to those women on whose part you see ill­conduct, admonish them (first), (next), refuse to share their beds, (and last) beat them (lightly, if it is useful), but if they return to obedience, seek not against them means (of annoyance). Surely, Allah is Ever Most High, Most Great.

There can be no doubt that the Muslima’s role is subordination & submission. In the third installment of this series, I pointed out the fact that Muslimas receive only half an inheritance and their testimony is weighted as half that of a male’s.
Moe taught that women are deficient.

  • The women asked, “O Allah’s Apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?” He said, “Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?” They replied in the affirmative. He said, “This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn’t it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?” The women replied in the affirmative. He said, “This is the deficiency in her religion.” [Bukhari 1.6.301]

Either the Muslim participants in the forum are contradicting Allah and his Messenger or their affirmation of equality is insincere. Which is it?

Click this link for A Common Word between Us and You, which precipitated the recent meetings. [Note the Events section, a recent addition to the page]. A Common Word’s home page includes a summary, the missive, media reports, blog posts and various responses from Christian & Jewish leaders. Click this link: Islamic Extortion Letter for my original dissection of the missive or this link: Go Burn With Muhammad, a blog devoted to dissecting the missive and reactions to it.


Iraqi Women Graduate Literacy Course

Thursday, 11 December 2008 Multi-National Division – Baghdad

FOB RUSTAMIYAH — One hundred women graduated from an adult literacy course at Al-Sharquia Secondary School for Girls in the Karadah security district of eastern Baghdad, Dec. 4.

The graduates, their family members and other ceremony attendees gathered to celebrate what was the first of potentially many successful adult literacy classes.

“This is the first step of many that the Iraqi government has taken to ensure economic growth in the Karadah district,” said Capt. Sean O’Brien, non-lethal effects coordinator with Multi-National Division – Baghdad. “The next step is to employ them.”

Many of the graduates are widows, explained Hadeel Adel, an Iraqi non-government organization representative and advocate for women’s rights. She said the literacy course graduates will be able to use their new skills to study for a civil service examination to seek government employment.

“This is a monumental day for these women. You can see the future of Iraq in their faces,” exclaimed Adel. “These women will get jobs and relieve the stress on the local economy by providing for their families”

Adel expressed hopes for a continued partnership between the United States and Iraq and said she wishes that women’s rights in Iraq will someday mirror the rights women have in America.

Their graduation marked a successful day for these literate women of Baghdad, and now they possess the power to learn through reading. (source)


Mother of 13 brings new meaning to ‘Army strong’

Dec 09, 2008
BY Spc. Loni Kingston

ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. (Army News Service, Dec. 9, 2008) — Under normal circumstances, a Soldier graduating from Advanced Individual Training doesn’t attract the attention of many people besides friends and family.

Pfc. Siobhan Healy, though, is a 39-year-old mother of 13 children.

Healy not only graduated at the top of her class Friday, the 63B Wheeled Vehicle Mechanics Course at the Ordnance Center and School’s Edgewood area on Aberdeen Proving Ground — she also scored 350 points on her physical fitness test.

“I started working out about six months before I went to basic training,” she said. “I was afraid that the younger people would outrun me.”…

Go read the rest of this B*N*S*N here.


Mother of 13 brings new meaning to ‘Army strong’

Dec 09, 2008
BY Spc. Loni Kingston

ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. (Army News Service, Dec. 9, 2008) — Under normal circumstances, a Soldier graduating from Advanced Individual Training doesn’t attract the attention of many people besides friends and family.

Pfc. Siobhan Healy, though, is a 39-year-old mother of 13 children.

Healy not only graduated at the top of her class Friday, the 63B Wheeled Vehicle Mechanics Course at the Ordnance Center and School’s Edgewood area on Aberdeen Proving Ground — she also scored 350 points on her physical fitness test.

“I started working out about six months before I went to basic training,” she said. “I was afraid that the younger people would outrun me.”…

Go read the rest of this B*N*S*N here.


Mother of 13 brings new meaning to ‘Army strong’

Dec 09, 2008
BY Spc. Loni Kingston

ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. (Army News Service, Dec. 9, 2008) — Under normal circumstances, a Soldier graduating from Advanced Individual Training doesn’t attract the attention of many people besides friends and family.

Pfc. Siobhan Healy, though, is a 39-year-old mother of 13 children.

Healy not only graduated at the top of her class Friday, the 63B Wheeled Vehicle Mechanics Course at the Ordnance Center and School’s Edgewood area on Aberdeen Proving Ground — she also scored 350 points on her physical fitness test.

“I started working out about six months before I went to basic training,” she said. “I was afraid that the younger people would outrun me.”…

Go read the rest of this B*N*S*N here.


CF soldier assists in Haiti school collapse rescue

Blocks of broken concrete pass hand to hand as residents of Port-au-Prince dig through the wreckage of the collapsed school looking for survivors.

Blocks of broken concrete pass hand to hand as residents of Port-au-Prince dig through the wreckage of the collapsed school looking for survivors.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Port-au-Prince, Haiti – The Collège La Promesse Évangelique in Port-au-Prince, collapsed at about 10 a.m., 7 November. Many children and staff were killed immediately and many others were buried in the rubble.

Within 30 minutes, UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) HQ dispatched a platoon of soldiers to help with the immediate rescue. Then, we dispatched a platoon of off-duty Filipino soldiers and a helicopter for aerial rescue. The Argentine field hospital went on stand-by, field engineers were alerted and reconnaissance parties were sent to check the structural integrity of the building and learn what else we could provide.

The narrow, winding road to the school was choked with vehicles and people, so we left our jeep and pushed our way toward the site; as we got closer, we could hear cries of anguish….

And there is more. Go here.


CF soldier assists in Haiti school collapse rescue

Blocks of broken concrete pass hand to hand as residents of Port-au-Prince dig through the wreckage of the collapsed school looking for survivors.

Blocks of broken concrete pass hand to hand as residents of Port-au-Prince dig through the wreckage of the collapsed school looking for survivors.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Port-au-Prince, Haiti – The Collège La Promesse Évangelique in Port-au-Prince, collapsed at about 10 a.m., 7 November. Many children and staff were killed immediately and many others were buried in the rubble.

Within 30 minutes, UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) HQ dispatched a platoon of soldiers to help with the immediate rescue. Then, we dispatched a platoon of off-duty Filipino soldiers and a helicopter for aerial rescue. The Argentine field hospital went on stand-by, field engineers were alerted and reconnaissance parties were sent to check the structural integrity of the building and learn what else we could provide.

The narrow, winding road to the school was choked with vehicles and people, so we left our jeep and pushed our way toward the site; as we got closer, we could hear cries of anguish….

And there is more. Go here.


RAF deliver police station to Iraqi village (VIDEO)

A Military Operations news article

8 Dec 08

51 Squadron RAF Regiment have delivered, by lorry, a new police station to a village near Basra.

The arrival of the portakabin from the Contingency Operating Base in Basra

The arrival of the portakabin from the Contingency Operating Base in Basra which will be used as an outstation for the Iraqi Police Service
[Picture: Cpl Adam Fletcher RAF]

The portakabin was reallocated from the Contingency Operating Base (COB) (the main coalition base in Basra) to be used as an outstation for the Iraqi Police Service (IPS).

With new investment coming into the area and the village’s close proximity to one of the large oil refineries, village elders were looking for added security from the IPS.

Mr Qais Joudah, the village school headmaster and councillor, said:

“This will help strengthen the Iraqi-led security in the area for when the foreign troops move out in a few years’ time. This cabin will provide a base for the IPS to operate from; due to the refinery being nearby, new building will take place and we’ll need policemen to be in the area for good relations with them.

“We currently have a really good relationship with the IPS and Iraqi Army.”…

Read the rest here.