Instruments of Love and Harmony #8

From comes Final Statement of Catholic-Muslim Forum “Called to Be Instruments of Love and Harmony”
For background information about the meetings, see this Reuters article of 11/06/08.

The statement includes an enumerated list of fifteen points which present a target rich environment In this installment, I’ll take on the tenth point of agreement.[Links & emphasis added.]

We are convinced that Catholics and Muslims have the duty to provide a sound education in human, civic, religious and moral values for their respective members and to promote accurate information about each other’s religions.

Taken at face value, point 10 means that the participants accept the concept of inculcating sound moral values and teaching the truth about their rivals. They could start by comparing & contrasting Christianity & Islam. Diane Dew’s web site has a side by side comparison. They could continue by reading each other’s scripture in their worship services.

They won’t do that because reading Al-Anfal, Al-Taubah, Al-AZhab, Al-Fath & As-Saff would put the lie to all of their touchy~feely pronouncements how peaceful Islam is. Nor will Imams & Mullahs read the Gospels & Acts to their congregants because it would expose the lies told by Moe about Christianity.

Either the Muslim participants in the forum are contradicting Allah & his Messenger and abandoning Islam or their affirmation multiculturalism is insincere. Which is it?

Click this link for A Common Word between Us and You, which precipitated the recent meetings. [Note the Events section, a recent addition to the page]. A Common Word’s home page includes a summary, the missive, media reports, blog posts and various responses from Christian & Jewish leaders. Click this link: Islamic Extortion Letter for my original dissection of the missive or this link: Go Burn With Muhammad, a blog devoted to dissecting the missive and reactions to it.

Know Enough to Vote?

Now the Pew Center has published results of a recent survey of public knowledge. Their survey consisted of ten multiple choice questions propounded to a random sample of 1000 Americans. Their quiz was about 1/3 as long as ISI’s and their sample was less than half as large. My perfect score put me in the 93rd percentile; the top 7%.

Pew’s average was 35% compared to ISI’s 49, probably reflecting an easier quiz because of fewer and easier questions.
In their survey, men scored 8% higher than women whereas the gender differential in ISI’s quiz was 7%. Pew found a 2.6% gain among college graduates, whereas ISI found a 13% gain.

No matter how you slice the data, it is obvious that the body politic is woefully ignorant about politics & economics. Ignorance makes them too easily deceived by demagogues. Take the quizzes; if your score is below 60%, then either start studying or burn your voter registration card.


Cross posted by Findalis of Monkey in the Middle

In San Francisco there are many Moonbats, but a few voices of reason do come forward now and then to speak the truth. This is one of them.


By Joel Brinkley

Millions of Americans believe the Sept. 11 attacks were not the work of Muslim fundamentalists. They like to call the strikes “false flag” operations — a conspiracy planned and executed by the Bush administration. Why? Under this unusual theory, the attacks provided President Bush and his aides the pretext to launch international wars and to enact policies that “led to widespread denials of rights under the pretext of homeland security.”

So writes Richard Falk, a professor emeritus of international law at Princeton University — and also a special representative of the U.N. Human Rights Council, who is charged with investigating Israeli abuses against the Palestinians.

Anything believed by millions of Americans, according to (perhaps suspect) public opinion surveys, can hardly be called an underground movement. But I, for one, had never heard of this until a row broke out last month between Falk and U.N. monitors who try to defend Israel.

What does this have to do with Israel and the Palestinians? Nothing, really — except that the U.N. monitors who already view Falk with grave distrust are now throwing up his advocacy of the 9/11 conspiracy theory as further evidence that he is not qualified to serve as an important U.N. envoy. (The Islamic nations chose Falk for the position early this year in large part because he once compared Israel to Nazi Germany.)

Of course, Falk’s supporters on the council — Egypt, Pakistan and other members of the Islamic conference — are not bothered by any of this. That should be no surprise. If the Bush administration actually perpetrated the Sept. 11 attacks, then the world’s distrust of Islam would be largely unfounded.

It’s hard to reconcile the 9/11 skeptics’ story. But one common idea among them is that government operatives planted explosives throughout the two World Trade Center towers, and that those bombs caused the buildings to collapse.

After a cursory look at the books, articles and Web sites, (including I was able to discern the advocates’ broad notion: The government knew that the 9/11 hijackers were on their way, and let them carry out the attack — even aided and abetted them.

Well, even if we could accept this theory of unadulterated evil intent, it’s patently clear that the government is not competent to pull off something this complex. In any case, last month an organization called UN Watch published an angry press release attacking Falk for publishing an article in a Scottish newspaper, entitled, “9/11, More Than Meets the Eye.” In it, Falk does not say flatly that the theories are correct — just that they warrant further investigation. Still, Hillel Neuer, director of UN Watch, wrote: “The very credibility of the U.N. mission to preserve international peace is at stake.”

I talked with Neuer, and with Falk. In any conversation about Falk, Neuer’s fundamental concern is on a different plane. The Human Rights Council, he notes, has fired its special representatives for Cuba, Liberia, Uzbekistan — even Congo. But one state has a permanent monitor not subject to debate or renewal. That is Israel, and Falk holds that position. “He has a very serious mandate,” Neuer said. “People who question whether 9/11 happened are not serious people. No one in the United States or the West could be in positions of authority if they engaged in 9/11 conspiracy talk.”

Falk, of course, disagrees. He notes that his position is part-time — and unpaid. “I’ve been trying to balance different agendas and roles. I am an academic and a citizen. And I don’t think those roles reflect on my position as special rapporteur.”

Fair enough, but these 9/11 conspiracy theorists remind me of the people who used to think that Neil Armstrong didn’t really land on the moon 40 years ago; the entire exercise was actually carried out in a water tank. It’s a free country; you’re entitled to think whatever you like. But this is fringe stuff. Would we ever have appointed an advocate of the water-tank theory to a senior position in government? The Human Rights Council is already an embarrassment to the United Nations. Certainly reasonable people can criticize Israel, just as they can find fault with the Palestinians. But the council’s pathological obsession with Israel is its defining characteristic, and Falk is its embodiment.

I wouldn’t have cared that an academic wrote the foreword several years ago for a book that is the conspiracy advocates’ bible. But I do care that the man whose job now is to help the Islamic states pursue their vendetta against Israel also believes that the U.S. government is capable of such unspeakable evil. What does that tell you about his frame of mind for his United Nations job?

Joel Brinkley is a professor of journalism at Stanford University and a former foreign policy correspondent for the New York Times. To comment, e-mail To comment to him, e-mail

It seems that the idiots are running the asylum. 9/11 was caused by the US government to bring us into a war. Israel is the worst abuser of human rights (forget about the lack of rights for women, gays or non-Muslims in every Muslim nation.), up is down, and black is white. Doublespeak is the only speech that is excepted.

9/11 was executed by 19 Muslims. 15 of which were from Saudi Arabia. 7/7 and Madrid was executed by Muslims. Mumbai was executed by Muslims. Not the US government and not by aliens from outer space either.

But to the UN it all these were done by the Jews. For the UN is controlled by Muslims and whatever they say, is the new truth.

The second day of infamy!

We will never forget!


Cross posted by Findalis of Monkey in the Middle

In San Francisco there are many Moonbats, but a few voices of reason do come forward now and then to speak the truth. This is one of them.


By Joel Brinkley

Millions of Americans believe the Sept. 11 attacks were not the work of Muslim fundamentalists. They like to call the strikes “false flag” operations — a conspiracy planned and executed by the Bush administration. Why? Under this unusual theory, the attacks provided President Bush and his aides the pretext to launch international wars and to enact policies that “led to widespread denials of rights under the pretext of homeland security.”

So writes Richard Falk, a professor emeritus of international law at Princeton University — and also a special representative of the U.N. Human Rights Council, who is charged with investigating Israeli abuses against the Palestinians.

Anything believed by millions of Americans, according to (perhaps suspect) public opinion surveys, can hardly be called an underground movement. But I, for one, had never heard of this until a row broke out last month between Falk and U.N. monitors who try to defend Israel.

What does this have to do with Israel and the Palestinians? Nothing, really — except that the U.N. monitors who already view Falk with grave distrust are now throwing up his advocacy of the 9/11 conspiracy theory as further evidence that he is not qualified to serve as an important U.N. envoy. (The Islamic nations chose Falk for the position early this year in large part because he once compared Israel to Nazi Germany.)

Of course, Falk’s supporters on the council — Egypt, Pakistan and other members of the Islamic conference — are not bothered by any of this. That should be no surprise. If the Bush administration actually perpetrated the Sept. 11 attacks, then the world’s distrust of Islam would be largely unfounded.

It’s hard to reconcile the 9/11 skeptics’ story. But one common idea among them is that government operatives planted explosives throughout the two World Trade Center towers, and that those bombs caused the buildings to collapse.

After a cursory look at the books, articles and Web sites, (including I was able to discern the advocates’ broad notion: The government knew that the 9/11 hijackers were on their way, and let them carry out the attack — even aided and abetted them.

Well, even if we could accept this theory of unadulterated evil intent, it’s patently clear that the government is not competent to pull off something this complex. In any case, last month an organization called UN Watch published an angry press release attacking Falk for publishing an article in a Scottish newspaper, entitled, “9/11, More Than Meets the Eye.” In it, Falk does not say flatly that the theories are correct — just that they warrant further investigation. Still, Hillel Neuer, director of UN Watch, wrote: “The very credibility of the U.N. mission to preserve international peace is at stake.”

I talked with Neuer, and with Falk. In any conversation about Falk, Neuer’s fundamental concern is on a different plane. The Human Rights Council, he notes, has fired its special representatives for Cuba, Liberia, Uzbekistan — even Congo. But one state has a permanent monitor not subject to debate or renewal. That is Israel, and Falk holds that position. “He has a very serious mandate,” Neuer said. “People who question whether 9/11 happened are not serious people. No one in the United States or the West could be in positions of authority if they engaged in 9/11 conspiracy talk.”

Falk, of course, disagrees. He notes that his position is part-time — and unpaid. “I’ve been trying to balance different agendas and roles. I am an academic and a citizen. And I don’t think those roles reflect on my position as special rapporteur.”

Fair enough, but these 9/11 conspiracy theorists remind me of the people who used to think that Neil Armstrong didn’t really land on the moon 40 years ago; the entire exercise was actually carried out in a water tank. It’s a free country; you’re entitled to think whatever you like. But this is fringe stuff. Would we ever have appointed an advocate of the water-tank theory to a senior position in government? The Human Rights Council is already an embarrassment to the United Nations. Certainly reasonable people can criticize Israel, just as they can find fault with the Palestinians. But the council’s pathological obsession with Israel is its defining characteristic, and Falk is its embodiment.

I wouldn’t have cared that an academic wrote the foreword several years ago for a book that is the conspiracy advocates’ bible. But I do care that the man whose job now is to help the Islamic states pursue their vendetta against Israel also believes that the U.S. government is capable of such unspeakable evil. What does that tell you about his frame of mind for his United Nations job?

Joel Brinkley is a professor of journalism at Stanford University and a former foreign policy correspondent for the New York Times. To comment, e-mail To comment to him, e-mail

It seems that the idiots are running the asylum. 9/11 was caused by the US government to bring us into a war. Israel is the worst abuser of human rights (forget about the lack of rights for women, gays or non-Muslims in every Muslim nation.), up is down, and black is white. Doublespeak is the only speech that is excepted.

9/11 was executed by 19 Muslims. 15 of which were from Saudi Arabia. 7/7 and Madrid was executed by Muslims. Mumbai was executed by Muslims. Not the US government and not by aliens from outer space either.

But to the UN it all these were done by the Jews. For the UN is controlled by Muslims and whatever they say, is the new truth.

The second day of infamy!

We will never forget!

The Meaning of the Shoes

From AOL News
BAGHDAD (Dec. 15) – Thousands of Iraqis took to the streets Monday to demand the release of a reporter who threw his shoes at President George W. Bush, as Arabs across many parts of the Middle East hailed the journalist as a hero and praised his insult as a proper send-off to the unpopular U.S. president. […]

Journalist Muntadhar al-Zeidi, who was kidnapped by militants last year, was being held by Iraqi security Monday and interrogated about whether anybody paid him to throw his shoes at Bush during a press conference the previous day in Baghdad, said an Iraqi official. […]

Showing the sole of your shoe to someone in the Arab world is a sign of extreme disrespect, and throwing your shoes is even worse.

Newspapers across the Arab world on Monday printed front-page photos of Bush ducking the flying shoes, and satellite TV stations repeatedly aired the incident, which provided fodder for jokes and was hailed by the president’s many critics in the region.
A note from Radarsite: We all understand now the significance of this particular insult in the Arab world — right? But do we really? Somehow I tend to doubt it. The true significance of this attack on President Bush and symbolically on the United States, and its enthusiastic reception in both the Arab world and in our own liberal media has not really been addressed. One part of this story is of course the breathless eagerness with which our own biased leftist MSM quickly grasps onto any story that will support their long-held conviction that the Iraq war was a foolish criminal endeavor, perpetrated on the American people by a clueless ignorant cowboy — “the unpopular U.S. president”.

But I contend that this incident provides us with an even more important lesson. One which we should have learned by now but have not. It is simply this: Why should this act of hatred and resentment come as a surprise to us? Haven’t we accepted the fact yet that ‘blood is thicker than water’; or in this case, that the Arab world’s adherence to Islam and to Sharia law supersedes any temporary arrangements of convenience made with infidel governments. Treaties made with Arab (or any Muslim) states are in reality no more than cynical measures of expediency. Realpolitik.

Here is the cold hard truth: Islam is, was, and always will be the sworn enemy of Western civilization in general, and of the United States of America in particular. Any thoughts that we can peacefully coexist without risking subsequent betrayal are foolhardy and delusional. Every time we think we have made inroads into the Muslim world we should be automatically circumspect and on guard. For when push comes to shove, all of those minor political or regional differences between Arab/Muslim states will be quickly set aside when confronted with the common enemy of the infidel West. Until the very roots of Islam are torn out of this culture we will never succeed in establishing any meaningful and lasting peace in this region.

The Arab world has lionized the shoe-tosser not just because he confronted and insulted an “unpopular American president”, but because he heroically challenged the power and the hegemony of the Infidel West. To not understand the depth of this animosity is to not understand the profound meaning of this monumental global confrontation we are experiencing.

Does this mean that we should just give up on our efforts to reform and democratize the Middle East? Of course not. But we cannot be naive or overly optimistic. We must constantly bear in mind the immutability of the message of the Koran. During the Cold War we developed the concept of ‘Trust but verify’. This attitude is even more relevant today when confronted with militant Islam.

Read more:

The Meaning of the Shoes

From AOL News
BAGHDAD (Dec. 15) – Thousands of Iraqis took to the streets Monday to demand the release of a reporter who threw his shoes at President George W. Bush, as Arabs across many parts of the Middle East hailed the journalist as a hero and praised his insult as a proper send-off to the unpopular U.S. president. […]

Journalist Muntadhar al-Zeidi, who was kidnapped by militants last year, was being held by Iraqi security Monday and interrogated about whether anybody paid him to throw his shoes at Bush during a press conference the previous day in Baghdad, said an Iraqi official. […]

Showing the sole of your shoe to someone in the Arab world is a sign of extreme disrespect, and throwing your shoes is even worse.

Newspapers across the Arab world on Monday printed front-page photos of Bush ducking the flying shoes, and satellite TV stations repeatedly aired the incident, which provided fodder for jokes and was hailed by the president’s many critics in the region.
A note from Radarsite: We all understand now the significance of this particular insult in the Arab world — right? But do we really? Somehow I tend to doubt it. The true significance of this attack on President Bush and symbolically on the United States, and its enthusiastic reception in both the Arab world and in our own liberal media has not really been addressed. One part of this story is of course the breathless eagerness with which our own biased leftist MSM quickly grasps onto any story that will support their long-held conviction that the Iraq war was a foolish criminal endeavor, perpetrated on the American people by a clueless ignorant cowboy — “the unpopular U.S. president”.

But I contend that this incident provides us with an even more important lesson. One which we should have learned by now but have not. It is simply this: Why should this act of hatred and resentment come as a surprise to us? Haven’t we accepted the fact yet that ‘blood is thicker than water’; or in this case, that the Arab world’s adherence to Islam and to Sharia law supersedes any temporary arrangements of convenience made with infidel governments. Treaties made with Arab (or any Muslim) states are in reality no more than cynical measures of expediency. Realpolitik.

Here is the cold hard truth: Islam is, was, and always will be the sworn enemy of Western civilization in general, and of the United States of America in particular. Any thoughts that we can peacefully coexist without risking subsequent betrayal are foolhardy and delusional. Every time we think we have made inroads into the Muslim world we should be automatically circumspect and on guard. For when push comes to shove, all of those minor political or regional differences between Arab/Muslim states will be quickly set aside when confronted with the common enemy of the infidel West. Until the very roots of Islam are torn out of this culture we will never succeed in establishing any meaningful and lasting peace in this region.

The Arab world has lionized the shoe-tosser not just because he confronted and insulted an “unpopular American president”, but because he heroically challenged the power and the hegemony of the Infidel West. To not understand the depth of this animosity is to not understand the profound meaning of this monumental global confrontation we are experiencing.

Does this mean that we should just give up on our efforts to reform and democratize the Middle East? Of course not. But we cannot be naive or overly optimistic. We must constantly bear in mind the immutability of the message of the Koran. During the Cold War we developed the concept of ‘Trust but verify’. This attitude is even more relevant today when confronted with militant Islam.

Read more: