Instruments of Love and Harmony #11

From comes Final Statement of Catholic-Muslim Forum “Called to Be Instruments of Love and Harmony”
For background information about the meetings, see this Reuters article of 11/06/08.

The statement includes an enumerated list of fifteen points which present a target rich environment In this installment, I’ll take on the thirteenth point of agreement.[Links & emphasis added.]

Young people are the future of religious communities and of societies as a whole. Increasingly, they will be living in multicultural and multireligious societies. It is essential that they be well formed in their own religious traditions and well informed about other cultures and religions.

Taken at face value, the thirteenth point means that the participants accept the concept of transmitting their own religious tenets & traditions to their offspring. They also agree that their children should be informed about the doctrines & traditions of other faiths.

The hidden subtext is especially subversive. They can’t mean genuine, fact based instruction; they must mean prejudicial, fantasy based indoctrination. As evidence, I submit the multitude of deceptions exposed in previous installments in this series. Honest instruction would expose the lies in the joint statement. If students in Catholic schools were required to read the hateful & warmongering passages in Islam’s canon of scripture, tradition & jurisprudence, how would their parents react? How would CAIR react? Guess what Muslim students study in the Madrassahs.

Click this link for A Common Word between Us and You, which precipitated the recent meetings. [Note the Events section, a recent addition to the page]. A Common Word’s home page includes a summary, the missive, media reports, blog posts and various responses from Christian & Jewish leaders. Click this link: Islamic Extortion Letter for my original dissection of the missive or this link: Go Burn With Muhammad, a blog devoted to dissecting the missive and reactions to it.


HMS Kent’s ship’s company were excited to see eager family and friends waiting on the jetty, pleased to be reunited in time for Christmas
[Picture: LA(Phot) Owen King]

News Article

HMS Kent sails home from the Far East

A People In Defence news article

18 Dec 08

The crew of HMS Kent arrived home just in time for Christmas when the ship sailed in to a royal reception at Portsmouth this week, after returning from a six-month deployment to South East Asia and the Far East.

His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Kent, brother of the ship’s sponsor, Princess Alexandra, and Honorary Rear Admiral of the Royal Naval Reserve, met the Type 23 frigate when she anchored in the Solent on Monday 15 December 2008. The Prince spent a couple of hours on board and met some the 174 crew before the ship began her short journey into Portsmouth Naval Base.

HMS Kent sailed from the UK on 1 June 2008 and visited China, Japan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and many more countries, demonstrating the UK’s ongoing commitment to the region.

Kent conducted several high-level, multi-national exercises with navies from the United States, China, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Malaysia….

Go read the rest here.


HMS Kent’s ship’s company were excited to see eager family and friends waiting on the jetty, pleased to be reunited in time for Christmas
[Picture: LA(Phot) Owen King]

News Article

HMS Kent sails home from the Far East

A People In Defence news article

18 Dec 08

The crew of HMS Kent arrived home just in time for Christmas when the ship sailed in to a royal reception at Portsmouth this week, after returning from a six-month deployment to South East Asia and the Far East.

His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Kent, brother of the ship’s sponsor, Princess Alexandra, and Honorary Rear Admiral of the Royal Naval Reserve, met the Type 23 frigate when she anchored in the Solent on Monday 15 December 2008. The Prince spent a couple of hours on board and met some the 174 crew before the ship began her short journey into Portsmouth Naval Base.

HMS Kent sailed from the UK on 1 June 2008 and visited China, Japan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and many more countries, demonstrating the UK’s ongoing commitment to the region.

Kent conducted several high-level, multi-national exercises with navies from the United States, China, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Malaysia….

Go read the rest here.


Dhahir Al-Musa, owner of al Medina newspaper, and Muhammad Al-Tamimi, general manager, look over a finished copy of their newspaper, Dec. 17, 2008. Photo by Scott Flenner, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division Public Affairs.

Freedom of the Press in Sadr City

Thursday, 18 December 2008

By Scott Flenner
4th Infantry Division

BAGHDAD — A monumental achievement was accomplished recently in the highly populated Baghdad district of Sadr City, with the publication of al Medina, the first ever local newspaper.

Al Medina is a locally produced and locally owned newspaper that focuses on current news affecting the people of Sadr City.

“It is a source to express their ideas, report their activities, and cover all the projects in the area” said Mr. Muhammad al-Tamimi, general manger of al Medina newspaper.

The paper was conceived more than five months ago when Maj. Mike Humphreys, a public affairs officer with Multi-National Division – Baghdad, had a chance encounter with Muhammad, a journalist, and a Sadr City businessman, Dhahir al-Musa.

During their initial meeting Humphreys, a native of Greeneville, Tenn., expressed his vision to create an independent SadrCity newspaper that could get the people’s message out. In cooperation with the embedded Provincial Reconstruction Team 3, Humphreys offered $25,000 in quick reaction funds to help the two entrepreneurs get their paper started.

“I knew we needed a paper in Sadr City,” Humphreys said. “I believe that one key to success in Iraq is a free and independent press that educates and informs the people while holding government officials accountable.”

Dhahir, who currently owns the newspaper, and Muhammad graciously accepted Humphreys offer and have already begun putting that money to good use. As of today al Medina newspaper has produced six issues at 10,000 copies each that have been distributed throughout the Sadr City District.

“If god willing the paper will continue to grow” said Muhammad. “The people of Sadr City have suffered. This paper can be their voice so the government does not forget them.”..(source: MNF-1 here)


Dhahir Al-Musa, owner of al Medina newspaper, and Muhammad Al-Tamimi, general manager, look over a finished copy of their newspaper, Dec. 17, 2008. Photo by Scott Flenner, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division Public Affairs.

Freedom of the Press in Sadr City

Thursday, 18 December 2008

By Scott Flenner
4th Infantry Division

BAGHDAD — A monumental achievement was accomplished recently in the highly populated Baghdad district of Sadr City, with the publication of al Medina, the first ever local newspaper.

Al Medina is a locally produced and locally owned newspaper that focuses on current news affecting the people of Sadr City.

“It is a source to express their ideas, report their activities, and cover all the projects in the area” said Mr. Muhammad al-Tamimi, general manger of al Medina newspaper.

The paper was conceived more than five months ago when Maj. Mike Humphreys, a public affairs officer with Multi-National Division – Baghdad, had a chance encounter with Muhammad, a journalist, and a Sadr City businessman, Dhahir al-Musa.

During their initial meeting Humphreys, a native of Greeneville, Tenn., expressed his vision to create an independent SadrCity newspaper that could get the people’s message out. In cooperation with the embedded Provincial Reconstruction Team 3, Humphreys offered $25,000 in quick reaction funds to help the two entrepreneurs get their paper started.

“I knew we needed a paper in Sadr City,” Humphreys said. “I believe that one key to success in Iraq is a free and independent press that educates and informs the people while holding government officials accountable.”

Dhahir, who currently owns the newspaper, and Muhammad graciously accepted Humphreys offer and have already begun putting that money to good use. As of today al Medina newspaper has produced six issues at 10,000 copies each that have been distributed throughout the Sadr City District.

“If god willing the paper will continue to grow” said Muhammad. “The people of Sadr City have suffered. This paper can be their voice so the government does not forget them.”..(source: MNF-1 here)


As many as 800 solar-powered street lights have been put up in Fallujah by the Army Corps of Engineers, and the Corps expects to place as many as 600-700 more. Photo by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Solar power helping light streets of Iraq

Dec 16, 2008
BY C. Todd Lopez

WASHINGTON (Army News Service, Dec. 16, 2008) — Mostly desert and a lot of sun, it makes sense there’s a place for solar power in Iraq.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Iraqi government are using solar energy to light the dark streets of Baghdad, Basra, Fallujah, Kharma and Sakalaweyah.

“The lights that we installed have an 80-watt panel on them, a lead-acid battery and a 18-watt fluorescent light bulb on them,” said John Offen, an engineer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. “To date, we’ve installed about a little over 800 of them, and they’re operating just fine. And we still have about 600-700 more to go. The city of Fallujah didn’t have power at night and this was an easy way to light up the streets that didn’t depend upon any remote source of power.”….(Read more here)


As many as 800 solar-powered street lights have been put up in Fallujah by the Army Corps of Engineers, and the Corps expects to place as many as 600-700 more. Photo by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Solar power helping light streets of Iraq

Dec 16, 2008
BY C. Todd Lopez

WASHINGTON (Army News Service, Dec. 16, 2008) — Mostly desert and a lot of sun, it makes sense there’s a place for solar power in Iraq.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Iraqi government are using solar energy to light the dark streets of Baghdad, Basra, Fallujah, Kharma and Sakalaweyah.

“The lights that we installed have an 80-watt panel on them, a lead-acid battery and a 18-watt fluorescent light bulb on them,” said John Offen, an engineer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. “To date, we’ve installed about a little over 800 of them, and they’re operating just fine. And we still have about 600-700 more to go. The city of Fallujah didn’t have power at night and this was an easy way to light up the streets that didn’t depend upon any remote source of power.”….(Read more here)


Actor Gary Sinise shows his Presidential Citizens Medal outside the White House in Washington, DC

Sinise: A man for all services

Monday, December 15, 2008

Since war became a geographically distant but very real way of life after Sept. 11, 2001, no Hollywood star has stepped up to support active duty U.S. military personnel and wounded veterans like Gary Sinise. There is no close second. And quietly, as is in his nature, he is becoming something akin to this generation´s Bob Hope.

One step in conferring this worthy title on the award-winning actor, director and producer occurred last week when President Bush bestowed on him the Presidential Citizens Medal, the second highest civilian honor awarded to citizens for exemplary deeds performed in service of the nation. Previous recipients include Henry “Hank” Aaron, Muhammad Ali, Colin L. Powell and Bob Dole.

While the White House ceremony flew under the radar of most of the media, most notably the entertainment press, word has trickled out to many of his countless admirers in and out of the military. And on the occasion of him receiving the award, they want America to take in their words of praise for, as Sharon Tyk in the USO of Illinois put it, this “gallant American patriot.”

Michael Yon, a Special Forces vet and the pre-eminent war journalist of our time, communicated his admiration in a dispatch from Bahrain: “Gary is a true friend of the American soldier. He does not hesitate to travel into war zones to express his admiration and personal support for those who defend us. He visits wounded soldiers, some of whom I personally know. All love him….

Read the rest here.


Actor Gary Sinise shows his Presidential Citizens Medal outside the White House in Washington, DC

Sinise: A man for all services

Monday, December 15, 2008

Since war became a geographically distant but very real way of life after Sept. 11, 2001, no Hollywood star has stepped up to support active duty U.S. military personnel and wounded veterans like Gary Sinise. There is no close second. And quietly, as is in his nature, he is becoming something akin to this generation´s Bob Hope.

One step in conferring this worthy title on the award-winning actor, director and producer occurred last week when President Bush bestowed on him the Presidential Citizens Medal, the second highest civilian honor awarded to citizens for exemplary deeds performed in service of the nation. Previous recipients include Henry “Hank” Aaron, Muhammad Ali, Colin L. Powell and Bob Dole.

While the White House ceremony flew under the radar of most of the media, most notably the entertainment press, word has trickled out to many of his countless admirers in and out of the military. And on the occasion of him receiving the award, they want America to take in their words of praise for, as Sharon Tyk in the USO of Illinois put it, this “gallant American patriot.”

Michael Yon, a Special Forces vet and the pre-eminent war journalist of our time, communicated his admiration in a dispatch from Bahrain: “Gary is a true friend of the American soldier. He does not hesitate to travel into war zones to express his admiration and personal support for those who defend us. He visits wounded soldiers, some of whom I personally know. All love him….

Read the rest here.

Right of Free Speech

Cross posted by Findalis of Monkey in the Middle

Hat tip to Miss Beth of Miss Beth’s Victory Dance

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

This is the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution. Although it says Congress, the meaning has been made clear over the last 221 years that this august document was ratified and made into the basis of law for the United States of America.

There have been many challenges to this Amendment over the years, but the one point that the courts have all agreed on is that all people have the right to speak their mind, regardless of their race, religion, occupation or political associations. This is a right that many people in the world, even in the Western world, have.

Under the 1st Amendment, the government, whether it is Federal, State or Local, does not have the right to arrest you for your ideas. Even when these ideas are contrary to public belief. Even if they go against the majority opinion. Even if they are bigoted and hateful. You have a right to say and print these ideas.

Until now.

And the censorship has come from Attorneys at that. For in Arizona, the State bar has approved the right to censor private and public speech of the attorneys in that state.

Throwing our constitutional rights of free speech and freedom of association down the drain, the State Bar of Arizona is considering a revision to the attorneys’ oath of office that would silence conservative viewpoints on gay issues. The oath would be revised to add the language in red as follows:

“I will not permit considerations of gender, race, religion, age, nationality, sexual orientation, disability, or social standing to influence my duty of care.”

The State Bar of Arizona is a mandatory association for attorneys wishing to practice law in Arizona. As such, they have the power to revoke the license to practice law in Arizona of any attorney they believe has violated this provision. A clause like this has no place in an oath of office, which should consist of nothing more but generally swearing allegiance to the laws of the land. Adding a controversial restriction on our First Amendment rights in order to promote a politically correct left wing agenda is inappropriate and a gross abuse of power by the Bar. If they go ahead with this curtailing of our rights, there will be plenty of lawsuits, and rightly so.

Please call or email the president of the State Bar of Arizona and express your objection to this outrageous infringement upon our rights, or 602-340-7239.

Full Story

What sounds like a very innocent idea of not discriminating against a person based on certain criteria, can in fact become the basis of limited the rights of an person to speak their mind, in a public forum, as a private citizen. Thus an attorney with deep religious beliefs would be forced to argue a case in favor of abortion. Or in favor of gay marriage. The Bar Association while trying to be non-discriminatory has in fact forgotten the basic law itself. The right to free expression.

If one group of individuals can be forced to violate their beliefs, what is to stop other organizations from doing the same. How much longer will there actually be a Freedom of Speech in this nation?