Canadian is new Governor of Kandahar

Tooryalai Wesa, 58, fled Afghanistan in 1991 and settled in Coquitlam, B.C, Canada. Today, he takes up a new post as Governor of Kandahar.

“Some of the Afghans are trying to come back because we want to help the country and because of the lack of the professional people” in the country, Wesa told CTV Newsnet Thursday in a telephone interview from Kabul, Afghanistan.

Born and raised in Kandahar, Wesa has extensive work experience in the province and feels that he can be an effective link between the local population and the international force of soldiers, diplomats and aid workers currently posted there.

Go read the rest at Assoluta Tranquillita here.

Canadian is new Governor of Kandahar

Tooryalai Wesa, 58, fled Afghanistan in 1991 and settled in Coquitlam, B.C, Canada. Today, he takes up a new post as Governor of Kandahar.

“Some of the Afghans are trying to come back because we want to help the country and because of the lack of the professional people” in the country, Wesa told CTV Newsnet Thursday in a telephone interview from Kabul, Afghanistan.

Born and raised in Kandahar, Wesa has extensive work experience in the province and feels that he can be an effective link between the local population and the international force of soldiers, diplomats and aid workers currently posted there.

Go read the rest at Assoluta Tranquillita here.


Flight by World-Famous Macy’s Santa to Help Children of our Fallen Military Heroes
Santa Offers Holiday Tips for Those Coping with Grief During the Holiday Season


COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – Just before his epic flight on Christmas Eve, the world-famous Macy’s Santa will make a special trip on December 23rd to NORAD’s Santa Tracker headquarters. Santa’s special flight next week will provide support for children of our nation’s fallen military heroes who are involved with TAPS, the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors.

As Santa’s Traveling Workshop, Santa’s flight on a Halcyon Jet will take him to NORAD’s Santa Tracker headquarters, where Santa will ensure that all is in order for Christmas Eve. He’ll also visit a household chosen by the winner of an online eBay auction and visit a children’s home or military base to talk with boys and girls. Proceeds from the auction will help children of our fallen military heroes.

Located at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), has been in the business of tracking Santa on Christmas Eve for the past 50 years. The command will track Santa as he flies from New York City on December 23rd to the community selected by the winning auction bidder, welcome Santa to tour NORAD, and then track Santa back to the North Pole on December 23.

TAPS, the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, will distribute toys provided by Santa and the workshop to children who have lost a parent. “Santa’s flight and toys will bring a lot of holiday cheer to children who have suffered a great loss and while also raising awareness for the ongoing programs that help children cope with their grief,” said Bonnie Carroll, founder and chairman of TAPS.

Because the holidays can be a difficult time for families who are grieving, said Carroll, Santa also will offer some tips during his December 23rd flight to help those who are supporting a bereaved child this holiday season. “Among children involved with TAPS, the one gift they most want is one that Santa can’t bring – the return of the parent or relative who died,” said Carroll. “We know that Santa is working hard to bring joy and holiday cheer to children who’ve suffered the death of someone they love, and his December 23rd flight shows he cares about them and will provide resources to help the children of our fallen military heroes.”

A few of the tips Santa offers are:

Make holiday plans that help your child feel nurtured, emotionally safe, and comfortable. Review your plans for the holidays with your child. Spend the holidays where you and your child feel supported, nurtured, and comfortable.

Allow your child to remember the person who died through a tribute. Light a candle together at dinner time to remember the person who died. Make a wreath with pictures and items that represent the things the lost loved one cared about and place it at the gravesite for the loved one. Hang an ornament on the tree that reminds the child of the loved one. Help your child offer a blessing at a holiday meal that honors the person who died. Create a picture or collage with your child, display a favorite photograph in your home, or let your child help you set a place at the dinner table to represent the loved one who died.

Laughter, play and joy are good for your child. Children do not grieve continuously and they need to take breaks from grieving. Encourage your child to play, run, and do recreational activities he or she would normally do. Clowning around and laughing (which releases endorphins into the brain) are good for children.

More tips on dealing with grief during the holidays for children and adults are available at<>.

Santa’s Traveling Workshop has brought toys and cheer to hundreds of thousands of children and families in need, beginning in December of 2005 after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. It also delivered 100,000 toys to children from all walks of life on the National Mall in Washington, DC in 2006.

TAPS provides ongoing emotional help, hope, and healing to all who are grieving the death of a loved one in military service to America, regardless of relationship to the deceased, geography, or circumstance of the death. TAPS meets its mission by providing peer-based support, crisis care, casualty casework assistance, and grief and trauma resources. Services are provided free of charge. For more information go to<> or call the toll-free crisis line at 800.959.TAPS.

Media Contacts
Santa’s Traveling Workshop Media Contact: Travis Thomas, 858.759.2000

TAPS Media Contact: Ami Neiberger-Miller, 202.588.TAPS,>


Flight by World-Famous Macy’s Santa to Help Children of our Fallen Military Heroes
Santa Offers Holiday Tips for Those Coping with Grief During the Holiday Season


COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – Just before his epic flight on Christmas Eve, the world-famous Macy’s Santa will make a special trip on December 23rd to NORAD’s Santa Tracker headquarters. Santa’s special flight next week will provide support for children of our nation’s fallen military heroes who are involved with TAPS, the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors.

As Santa’s Traveling Workshop, Santa’s flight on a Halcyon Jet will take him to NORAD’s Santa Tracker headquarters, where Santa will ensure that all is in order for Christmas Eve. He’ll also visit a household chosen by the winner of an online eBay auction and visit a children’s home or military base to talk with boys and girls. Proceeds from the auction will help children of our fallen military heroes.

Located at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), has been in the business of tracking Santa on Christmas Eve for the past 50 years. The command will track Santa as he flies from New York City on December 23rd to the community selected by the winning auction bidder, welcome Santa to tour NORAD, and then track Santa back to the North Pole on December 23.

TAPS, the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, will distribute toys provided by Santa and the workshop to children who have lost a parent. “Santa’s flight and toys will bring a lot of holiday cheer to children who have suffered a great loss and while also raising awareness for the ongoing programs that help children cope with their grief,” said Bonnie Carroll, founder and chairman of TAPS.

Because the holidays can be a difficult time for families who are grieving, said Carroll, Santa also will offer some tips during his December 23rd flight to help those who are supporting a bereaved child this holiday season. “Among children involved with TAPS, the one gift they most want is one that Santa can’t bring – the return of the parent or relative who died,” said Carroll. “We know that Santa is working hard to bring joy and holiday cheer to children who’ve suffered the death of someone they love, and his December 23rd flight shows he cares about them and will provide resources to help the children of our fallen military heroes.”

A few of the tips Santa offers are:

Make holiday plans that help your child feel nurtured, emotionally safe, and comfortable. Review your plans for the holidays with your child. Spend the holidays where you and your child feel supported, nurtured, and comfortable.

Allow your child to remember the person who died through a tribute. Light a candle together at dinner time to remember the person who died. Make a wreath with pictures and items that represent the things the lost loved one cared about and place it at the gravesite for the loved one. Hang an ornament on the tree that reminds the child of the loved one. Help your child offer a blessing at a holiday meal that honors the person who died. Create a picture or collage with your child, display a favorite photograph in your home, or let your child help you set a place at the dinner table to represent the loved one who died.

Laughter, play and joy are good for your child. Children do not grieve continuously and they need to take breaks from grieving. Encourage your child to play, run, and do recreational activities he or she would normally do. Clowning around and laughing (which releases endorphins into the brain) are good for children.

More tips on dealing with grief during the holidays for children and adults are available at<>.

Santa’s Traveling Workshop has brought toys and cheer to hundreds of thousands of children and families in need, beginning in December of 2005 after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. It also delivered 100,000 toys to children from all walks of life on the National Mall in Washington, DC in 2006.

TAPS provides ongoing emotional help, hope, and healing to all who are grieving the death of a loved one in military service to America, regardless of relationship to the deceased, geography, or circumstance of the death. TAPS meets its mission by providing peer-based support, crisis care, casualty casework assistance, and grief and trauma resources. Services are provided free of charge. For more information go to<> or call the toll-free crisis line at 800.959.TAPS.

Media Contacts
Santa’s Traveling Workshop Media Contact: Travis Thomas, 858.759.2000

TAPS Media Contact: Ami Neiberger-Miller, 202.588.TAPS,>

Defamation Resolutions: Enough Already!

I learned about the existence of this CNS News article through a link at Eye On the UN.

UN Passes Islamic ‘Defamation’ Measure, But Critics Hail ‘Backlash’
Thursday, December 18, 2008
By Patrick Goodenough, International Editor

In that article, I found a link to a statement by four human rights experts, named in the last page of the document.

International Mechanisms for Promoting Freedom of Expression

Having read that statement, I now endorse it, reserving the exception of the following quoted points, to each of which I dissent. [Emphasis added.]

Recognising the importance to democracy, as well as to holding social institutions accountable, of open debate about all ideas and social phenomena in society and the right of all to be able to manifest their culture, religion and beliefs in practice;

Since Islam sanctifies & mandates genocidal1 conquest2 using terrorism3 as a battle tactic, manifesting its practice is a wrong, not a right.

The definition of terrorism, at least as it applies in the context of restrictions on freedom of
expression, should be restricted to violent crimes that are designed to advance an ideological, religious, political or organised criminal cause and to influence public authorities by inflicting terror on the public.

Advocacy of casting terror, incitement to cast terror and glorification of the act & those who perform it are essential to the perpetuation of terrorism and must be condemned as part and parcel of it.

The criminalisation of speech relating to terrorism should be restricted to instances of intentional incitement to terrorism, understood as a direct call to engage in terrorism which is directly responsible for increasing the likelihood of a terrorist act occurring, or to actual participation in terrorist acts (for example by directing them). Vague notions such as providing communications support to terrorism or extremism, the ‘glorification’ or ‘promotion’ of terrorism or extremism, and the mere repetition of statements by terrorists, which does not itself constitute incitement, should not be criminalised.

Terrorism is a tactic, not an enemy. Moral condemnation of conquest in which men are killed, their widows raped4 and orphans sold into slavery5 is not consequent upon the terror inflicted, it is consequent upon malum in se; the pure evil of aggression against innocent persons. Sanctification of conquest, with a divine mandate to perform it until the entire globe is dominated by Islam6, would be sufficient cause to outlaw the propagation of Islam, even in the absence of its 1398 year history of rapine.

Not withstanding those reservations, I endorse the rest of the statement, particularly the following:

The concept of ‘defamation of religions’ does not accord with international standards regarding
defamation, which refer to the protection of reputation of individuals, while religions, like all beliefs, cannot be said to have a reputation of their own.

Restrictions on freedom of expression should be limited in scope to the protection of overriding individual rights and social interests, and should never be used to protect particular institutions, or abstract notions, concepts or beliefs, including religious ones.

Restrictions on freedom of expression to prevent intolerance should be limited in scope to advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence.

International organisations, including the United Nations General Assembly and Human Rights
Council, should desist from the further adoption of statements supporting the idea of ‘defamation of religions’.

In my opinion, that last sentence was poorly written, introducing an ambiguity which should not be allowed to persist. The named bodies should rescind their previous resolutions as listed in the statement, and refrain from passing further resolutions condemning or attempting to outlaw criticism of Islam.

  1. Genocide:
  1. until he had made a great slaughter (among his enemies) in the land. [8:67]
  2. smite at their necks till when you have killed and wounded many of them [47:4]
  3. those who had begun to grow hair (pubes) were killed, and those who had not were not killed [Abu Dawud 38.4390]
  • Conquest:
    1. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [8:39]
    2. Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allahamong the people of the Scripture … until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. [9:29]
    3. The Good News that Muslims will conquer the Known World, and ultimately the Entire World
  • Terrorism:
    1. We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve [3:151]
    2. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved, so strike them over the necks, and smite over all their fingers and toes. [8:12]
    3. Allah brought them down from their forts and cast terror into their hearts [33:26]
  • Rape:
    1. Also (forbidden are) women already married, except those (captives and slaves) whom your right hands possess…. [4:24]
    2. …”We went out with Allah’s Apostle for the Ghazwa of Banu Al-Mustaliq and we received captives from among the Arab captives and we desired women and celibacy became hard on us and we loved to do coitus interruptus. … [Bukhari Volume 5, Book 59, Number 459]
  • Slavery: and a group (of them) you made captives. [33:26]
  • Global domination:
    1. …) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allah Alone [in the whole of the world ]…. [8:39]
    2. to make it superior over all religions even though the Mushrikun (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah) hate (it). [9:33]
    3. The Good News that Muslims will Dominate the People of the Book

    Instruments of Love and Harmony #12

    From comes Final Statement of Catholic-Muslim Forum “Called to Be Instruments of Love and Harmony”
    For background information about the meetings, see this Reuters article of 11/06/08.

    The statement includes an enumerated list of fifteen points which present a target rich environment In this installment, I’ll take on the last two points of agreement.[Links & emphasis added.]

    We have agreed to explore the possibility of establishing a permanent Catholic-Muslim committee to coordinate responses to conflicts and other emergency situations and of organizing a second seminar in a Muslim-majority country yet to be determined.

    We look forward to the second Seminar of the Catholic-Muslim Forum to be convened in approximately two years in a Muslim-majority country yet to be determined.

    Taken at face value, points fourteen & fifteen mean that the participants accept the concept continuing ‘dialogue’. How do the conferees hope to respond to “conflicts” and “emergency situations” such as the genocide in Darfur and the repression of Copts in Egypt? How do they hope to respond to and have any beneficial effect on the scenes of terror attacks such as Mumbai?

    Will they discuss the divinity, death & resurrection of Jesus? Will they discuss the hadith predicting his return to kill the remaining Jews? Fat chance, just as they will enter detailed discussions of Jihad, genocide & casting terror.

    Previous posts in this series:

    Click this link for A Common Word between Us and You, which precipitated the recent meetings. [Note the Events section, a recent addition to the page]. A Common Word’s home page includes a summary, the missive, media reports, blog posts and various responses from Christian & Jewish leaders. Click this link: Islamic Extortion Letter for my original dissection of the missive or this link: Go Burn With Muhammad, a blog devoted to dissecting the missive and reactions to it.

    By Any Other Name…

    Cross posted by Findalis of Monkey in the Middle

    Funny how after the election in November all the dirt that is on and surrounds President-Elect Barack Obama is coming to the surface. I guess that he didn’t hide it deep enough.

    During the election we heard about Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, Tony Rezko and ACORN. Now it is the on-going saga of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich.

    The governor has been indicted on conspiracy to commit mail fraud and wire fraud, as well as soliciting bribes. He is accused of trying to sell the vacant Senate seat of Barack Obama to the highest bidder. He has been a subject of a Federal investigation for years, including being subject to a wire tap of his phone. And the tapes show a link to the incoming President.

    Emanuel talked directly to gov: source

    President-elect Barack Obama’s incoming chief of staff Rahm Emanuel had a deeper involvement in pressing for a U.S. Senate seat appointment than previously reported, the Sun-Times has learned. Emanuel had direct discussions about the seat with Gov. Blagojevich, who is is accused of trying to auction it to the highest bidder.

    Emanuel talked with the governor in the days following the Nov. 4 election and pressed early on for the appointment of Valerie Jarrett to the post, sources with knowledge of the conversations told the Sun-Times. There was no indication from sources that Emanuel brokered a deal, however.

    A source with the Obama camp strongly denied Emanuel spoke with the governor directly about the seat, saying Emanuel only spoke with Blagojevich once recently to say he was taking the chief of staff post. But sources with knowledge of the investigation said Blagojevich told his aides about the calls with Emanuel and sometimes gave them directions afterward. Sources said that early on, Emanuel pushed for the appointment of Jarrett to the governor and his staff and asked that it be done by a certain date.

    At least some of the conversations between Emanuel and Blagojevich were likely caught on tape, sources said.

    Full Story

    The duties of a Chief of Staff is to run interference for your boss. The Chief of Staff does nothing without the President’s knowledge and okay. It has now come out that Emanuel has been talking to Blagojevich and that a few of the conversations were taped.

    I am reminded of Watergate and what brought Nixon down. That started with a 3rd rate burglary, a cover-up by White House staff, and the eventual resignation of President Nixon. This could go the same way. A discredited governor (Blago), a crooked neighbor (Rezko), a candidate for the Senate seat (Jackson Jr.) and a Chief of Staff (Emanuel) all singing a pretty song to the Feds for an deal to keep them out of prison. Which will lead to a sitting President fulfilling his office behind bars in a Federal Penitentiary.

    Now that would be a first!

    By Any Other Name…

    Cross posted by Findalis of Monkey in the Middle

    Funny how after the election in November all the dirt that is on and surrounds President-Elect Barack Obama is coming to the surface. I guess that he didn’t hide it deep enough.

    During the election we heard about Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, Tony Rezko and ACORN. Now it is the on-going saga of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich.

    The governor has been indicted on conspiracy to commit mail fraud and wire fraud, as well as soliciting bribes. He is accused of trying to sell the vacant Senate seat of Barack Obama to the highest bidder. He has been a subject of a Federal investigation for years, including being subject to a wire tap of his phone. And the tapes show a link to the incoming President.

    Emanuel talked directly to gov: source

    President-elect Barack Obama’s incoming chief of staff Rahm Emanuel had a deeper involvement in pressing for a U.S. Senate seat appointment than previously reported, the Sun-Times has learned. Emanuel had direct discussions about the seat with Gov. Blagojevich, who is is accused of trying to auction it to the highest bidder.

    Emanuel talked with the governor in the days following the Nov. 4 election and pressed early on for the appointment of Valerie Jarrett to the post, sources with knowledge of the conversations told the Sun-Times. There was no indication from sources that Emanuel brokered a deal, however.

    A source with the Obama camp strongly denied Emanuel spoke with the governor directly about the seat, saying Emanuel only spoke with Blagojevich once recently to say he was taking the chief of staff post. But sources with knowledge of the investigation said Blagojevich told his aides about the calls with Emanuel and sometimes gave them directions afterward. Sources said that early on, Emanuel pushed for the appointment of Jarrett to the governor and his staff and asked that it be done by a certain date.

    At least some of the conversations between Emanuel and Blagojevich were likely caught on tape, sources said.

    Full Story

    The duties of a Chief of Staff is to run interference for your boss. The Chief of Staff does nothing without the President’s knowledge and okay. It has now come out that Emanuel has been talking to Blagojevich and that a few of the conversations were taped.

    I am reminded of Watergate and what brought Nixon down. That started with a 3rd rate burglary, a cover-up by White House staff, and the eventual resignation of President Nixon. This could go the same way. A discredited governor (Blago), a crooked neighbor (Rezko), a candidate for the Senate seat (Jackson Jr.) and a Chief of Staff (Emanuel) all singing a pretty song to the Feds for an deal to keep them out of prison. Which will lead to a sitting President fulfilling his office behind bars in a Federal Penitentiary.

    Now that would be a first!

    By Any Other Name…

    Cross posted by Findalis of Monkey in the Middle

    Funny how after the election in November all the dirt that is on and surrounds President-Elect Barack Obama is coming to the surface. I guess that he didn’t hide it deep enough.

    During the election we heard about Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, Tony Rezko and ACORN. Now it is the on-going saga of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich.

    The governor has been indicted on conspiracy to commit mail fraud and wire fraud, as well as soliciting bribes. He is accused of trying to sell the vacant Senate seat of Barack Obama to the highest bidder. He has been a subject of a Federal investigation for years, including being subject to a wire tap of his phone. And the tapes show a link to the incoming President.

    Emanuel talked directly to gov: source

    President-elect Barack Obama’s incoming chief of staff Rahm Emanuel had a deeper involvement in pressing for a U.S. Senate seat appointment than previously reported, the Sun-Times has learned. Emanuel had direct discussions about the seat with Gov. Blagojevich, who is is accused of trying to auction it to the highest bidder.

    Emanuel talked with the governor in the days following the Nov. 4 election and pressed early on for the appointment of Valerie Jarrett to the post, sources with knowledge of the conversations told the Sun-Times. There was no indication from sources that Emanuel brokered a deal, however.

    A source with the Obama camp strongly denied Emanuel spoke with the governor directly about the seat, saying Emanuel only spoke with Blagojevich once recently to say he was taking the chief of staff post. But sources with knowledge of the investigation said Blagojevich told his aides about the calls with Emanuel and sometimes gave them directions afterward. Sources said that early on, Emanuel pushed for the appointment of Jarrett to the governor and his staff and asked that it be done by a certain date.

    At least some of the conversations between Emanuel and Blagojevich were likely caught on tape, sources said.

    Full Story

    The duties of a Chief of Staff is to run interference for your boss. The Chief of Staff does nothing without the President’s knowledge and okay. It has now come out that Emanuel has been talking to Blagojevich and that a few of the conversations were taped.

    I am reminded of Watergate and what brought Nixon down. That started with a 3rd rate burglary, a cover-up by White House staff, and the eventual resignation of President Nixon. This could go the same way. A discredited governor (Blago), a crooked neighbor (Rezko), a candidate for the Senate seat (Jackson Jr.) and a Chief of Staff (Emanuel) all singing a pretty song to the Feds for an deal to keep them out of prison. Which will lead to a sitting President fulfilling his office behind bars in a Federal Penitentiary.

    Now that would be a first!