A Call to Arms–Amnesty, Troop Funding and HR 5515

Ladies and gentlemen, once again the not so bright Congress is trying to force amnesty down our throats. This time, it’s been sneaked into the troop funding bill.

Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) is trying to sneak in an agricultural amnesty into the troop funding bill. This has been confirmed by both Democratic and Republican sources. It was passed by the Senate Appropriations Committee May 16, 2008 and a vote by the full Senate may occur early this week. Not only does this show Washington doesn’t like what we say and is determined to do what it wants rather than perform to the wishes of the people, they have attached this to our troop funding bill. Our. Troop. Funding. Bill. The money for our military, to get them the equipment they need and all that goes with funding the military. Heinously illegal.

People, we have repeatedly told Washington, in NO uncertain terms, we are against amnesty in any form. We have to do it again, and we have to continue to stay on this issue and continue to pressure Washington until they get it through their thick skulls. No amnesty. Ever again. Enforce the existing laws and build the fence. More information on this issue and a chance to send a fax to your representative, free of charge (as well as phone information) can be found at NumbersUSA here. Follow the links, contact your representative and let your voices be heard, loud and clear. Be polite but relentless. Susan at Wake Up America has plenty of information as well.

Through Snooper at A Newt One, we also hear about HR5515. This little gem is designed to keep us from defending ourselves against the illegals and protecting our property and our persons. He was notified through a post at the Eeevil Conservative here. Again, follow the links to find out who the sponsors are, what the text of the bill is, etc. Here is a teaser of her article:

There is NO DOUBT in ANY of their minds that WE the American people are not willing to bend one iota on the issue of illegal alien squatters and those who employ them – until they take care of enforcing the laws that already exist (deportation and holding employers accountable) and find a way to STOP this invasion at the border FIRST!

Ladies and gentlemen it is clear–we have GOT to clean out Washington. Term limits is a great place to start (although my freshman representative–Gabrielle Giffords–is one of the sponsors of HR5515–and she ran on a strong enforce the borders campaign–what a liar). It is OBVIOUS those on the Hill don’t give two hoots about their constituency. The inmates are running the asylum and we have got to (figuratively speaking) lock the inmates up and take back control of said asylum. As of yesterday.

If you want a solution (BESIDES–NOT instead of–calling, writing, faxing, emailing and flooding their offices with faxes before this vote), pay a visit to “What If America?”. It offers a real solution, basically helping build the fence the government doesn’t want to build and using the government’s money to do so.

The time for talk is over. It’s time to act.

A Call to Arms–Amnesty, Troop Funding and HR 5515

Ladies and gentlemen, once again the not so bright Congress is trying to force amnesty down our throats. This time, it’s been sneaked into the troop funding bill.

Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) is trying to sneak in an agricultural amnesty into the troop funding bill. This has been confirmed by both Democratic and Republican sources. It was passed by the Senate Appropriations Committee May 16, 2008 and a vote by the full Senate may occur early this week. Not only does this show Washington doesn’t like what we say and is determined to do what it wants rather than perform to the wishes of the people, they have attached this to our troop funding bill. Our. Troop. Funding. Bill. The money for our military, to get them the equipment they need and all that goes with funding the military. Heinously illegal.

People, we have repeatedly told Washington, in NO uncertain terms, we are against amnesty in any form. We have to do it again, and we have to continue to stay on this issue and continue to pressure Washington until they get it through their thick skulls. No amnesty. Ever again. Enforce the existing laws and build the fence. More information on this issue and a chance to send a fax to your representative, free of charge (as well as phone information) can be found at NumbersUSA here. Follow the links, contact your representative and let your voices be heard, loud and clear. Be polite but relentless. Susan at Wake Up America has plenty of information as well.

Through Snooper at A Newt One, we also hear about HR5515. This little gem is designed to keep us from defending ourselves against the illegals and protecting our property and our persons. He was notified through a post at the Eeevil Conservative here. Again, follow the links to find out who the sponsors are, what the text of the bill is, etc. Here is a teaser of her article:

There is NO DOUBT in ANY of their minds that WE the American people are not willing to bend one iota on the issue of illegal alien squatters and those who employ them – until they take care of enforcing the laws that already exist (deportation and holding employers accountable) and find a way to STOP this invasion at the border FIRST!

Ladies and gentlemen it is clear–we have GOT to clean out Washington. Term limits is a great place to start (although my freshman representative–Gabrielle Giffords–is one of the sponsors of HR5515–and she ran on a strong enforce the borders campaign–what a liar). It is OBVIOUS those on the Hill don’t give two hoots about their constituency. The inmates are running the asylum and we have got to (figuratively speaking) lock the inmates up and take back control of said asylum. As of yesterday.

If you want a solution (BESIDES–NOT instead of–calling, writing, faxing, emailing and flooding their offices with faxes before this vote), pay a visit to “What If America?”. It offers a real solution, basically helping build the fence the government doesn’t want to build and using the government’s money to do so.

The time for talk is over. It’s time to act.

War News: A Troll Blog Wakes Up…Sort Of


Earlier today I wrote a piece War News: Let’s Surge Some More detailing Michael Yon’s article in the WSJ Online. In the course of reading more and more items via internet on blogs and news pieces, I ran across the “progressive” blogs getting all upset with Michael Yon’s article and his book. Why are they upset with Michael Yon? Because he slams the doltish cads of the Defeatist Corp of ignorance and stupidity as being the fools that they are.

Jamie Wearing Fool (Just A Grunt) has a great piece entitled 5 years into the GWOT and progressives discover Michael Yon.

Much has been made of comments made by David Bellavia earlier this week by some who see hidden meanings in Denny’s menus, and here we have the progressives taking a shot at Michael Yon.

Firedoglake, a typical screeching, whining, gloom and doom, liberal, sorry progressive, blog has decided that Michael Yon is a propagandist. Something the author of this piece apparently is ignorant of or else he didn’t bother to read all of the Michael Yon article he presents as evidence of Mr Yons’ propaganda activity. All you need to know about Mr Yon is contained in the second paragraph of Michaels article…. (go read it)

I call the fools at FDL, SPP – SmokingPuppyPuddle – among other things and it is incredible the level(s) of ignorance and hate oozing out of their self-induced primordial ooze of hate and despair. It must truly suck to be members of such a collection of ill-informed socialist trollops.

If I hated the world and the United States like these fools do, I would have moved to happier locales by now.

Michael Yon has been In Country and covering this war from nearly the beginning and he has had boots on the ground longer than any journalist to date. Period. Bar None. This is what scares the hell out of these anti-Americanists – he knows The Truth – and Truth repels these sycophants of the Soros Troll of One World Socialism.

Too bad. We are on to your type and have been for quite some time and we are indeed watching your every move. Nice shoes. Watch the shadows.


LibNot has a good piece up as well.

War News: A Troll Blog Wakes Up…Sort Of


Earlier today I wrote a piece War News: Let’s Surge Some More detailing Michael Yon’s article in the WSJ Online. In the course of reading more and more items via internet on blogs and news pieces, I ran across the “progressive” blogs getting all upset with Michael Yon’s article and his book. Why are they upset with Michael Yon? Because he slams the doltish cads of the Defeatist Corp of ignorance and stupidity as being the fools that they are.

Jamie Wearing Fool (Just A Grunt) has a great piece entitled 5 years into the GWOT and progressives discover Michael Yon.

Much has been made of comments made by David Bellavia earlier this week by some who see hidden meanings in Denny’s menus, and here we have the progressives taking a shot at Michael Yon.

Firedoglake, a typical screeching, whining, gloom and doom, liberal, sorry progressive, blog has decided that Michael Yon is a propagandist. Something the author of this piece apparently is ignorant of or else he didn’t bother to read all of the Michael Yon article he presents as evidence of Mr Yons’ propaganda activity. All you need to know about Mr Yon is contained in the second paragraph of Michaels article…. (go read it)

I call the fools at FDL, SPP – SmokingPuppyPuddle – among other things and it is incredible the level(s) of ignorance and hate oozing out of their self-induced primordial ooze of hate and despair. It must truly suck to be members of such a collection of ill-informed socialist trollops.

If I hated the world and the United States like these fools do, I would have moved to happier locales by now.

Michael Yon has been In Country and covering this war from nearly the beginning and he has had boots on the ground longer than any journalist to date. Period. Bar None. This is what scares the hell out of these anti-Americanists – he knows The Truth – and Truth repels these sycophants of the Soros Troll of One World Socialism.

Too bad. We are on to your type and have been for quite some time and we are indeed watching your every move. Nice shoes. Watch the shadows.


LibNot has a good piece up as well.

Wonderful mystery guest lined up for Friday!


Cyber Pastor and I were in DC last September on the South Lawn of the White House with Vets For Freedom when this Lady sang and it was beautiful.

She will be on our show this coming Friday – that’s tomorrow – singing a new song for our troops.

Who is She!?

<—- Do you know who this lady is? No????

Isn’t it amazing that she has performed for the President of the United States and you have never heard of her?

Just wait until you hear the story, words and music of this rising star!

Love your Country and the values that made her great? Your introduction to this lady will be love at first listen. That’s a promise! Click here for more information.

Wonderful mystery guest lined up for Friday!


Cyber Pastor and I were in DC last September on the South Lawn of the White House with Vets For Freedom when this Lady sang and it was beautiful.

She will be on our show this coming Friday – that’s tomorrow – singing a new song for our troops.

Who is She!?

<—- Do you know who this lady is? No????

Isn’t it amazing that she has performed for the President of the United States and you have never heard of her?

Just wait until you hear the story, words and music of this rising star!

Love your Country and the values that made her great? Your introduction to this lady will be love at first listen. That’s a promise! Click here for more information.

EAGLES UP ALERT! A Soldier’s Perspective Has Been Closed Down


[UPDATE(S)] (another Milblogger has just shut down…From My Position…Chuck…

I received an email with the following attached:

Apparently, either a Moonbat lodged a complaint or some libtard in the military lodged a complaint. I have been reading their blog for quite some time and haven’t seen anything on there that shouldn’t have been. They were an absolutely trustworthy source of data and this is a travesty. So much for freedom of expression, eh? The following are some of the posts with the cease and desist orders…thank God for RSS feeds, eh? I will include he links just in case the can come back up…

It’s the Berkeley type of being under attack. It’s more like a political one that is delaying the best equipment from getting into the hands of the troops. Where are the candidates on this issue? […]

This is in regards to equipment not getting to the troops…remember the air-to-air refueling issues? Boeing got PO’d because they lost out and CONgress Critters got involved…democrat politicians with panties in wads…

I got this in my email and since I can’t find a link to the story, I’m going to reprint it here in its entirety. It’s a bit long, but what a great story. Here’s the teaser, with the story below the fold: […]

This is in regards to a story about now Chief Warrant Officer Fred White who was wounded in action as a Cavalry Scout in the Persian Gulf War, losing some fingers and eventually became a Warrant Officer and returned to duty flying Black Hawks…

This next one will be in its entirety…posted on 3/28/2008,

Cease and Desist

I’ve always found it interesting when told to cease and desist. I mean, the word desist means to cease. So, aren’t they really saying “cease and cease”. Seems redundant to me.

1SG Grisham,

After receiving numerous complaints to the Pentagon’s OPSEC Coordinating Authority on Nontraditional Media (I didn’t even know they existed), we have been directed to open an inquiry to your “military blog”, A Soldier’s Perspective (http://www.soldiersperspective.us). A cursory review of our database shows that you have not formally registered your site with our office. In view of this and the necessity to open an active review into the content on your site, you are hereby ordered to CEASE and DESIST all blogging until your review is complete.

Within the next 24 hours, you should receive information relating to the facts that have contributed to this decision. If you have any questions, you can contact our office at [contact information deleted – but confirmed as authentic].

I only reprinted the money part. The rest is standard “this is my mandate” crap. I spoke with Marcus about this and he received the same letter as a co-author. However, his directed that we have no contact with each other via email or other communication means until this is complete. I wonder why mine didn’t say that. Ladies and Gentlemen, this isn’t new. We’ve been threatened like this before. Rest assured that I will not back down while I still have the means to resist. We have done nothing wrong, violated no regulations, and spoke the truth at all times. Whoever is making this complaint will probably end up looking bad in the end. I guess we’ll know Monday or Tuesday what is going on. Since I got this late in the afternoon on Friday, I doubt they’re doing anything over the weekend. No one in my chain of command has ordered me to stop blogging and until they do, I won’t stop. I haven’t violated the new Army Regulation 530-1 and neither has any other blogger on this site. I guess no one was listening when General Caldwell was trying to convince the Army about the value of milbloggers. Don’t go writing your Congressman yet. Let’s see how this plays out and I promise that if things get ugly, I’ll be leading the charge to the halls of Congress. However, feel free to link to this post to raise awareness.

Consider it linked and the eFax Deluxe is ready and primed. Next up…

It’s Contagious I was reading 1SG Troy’s Military and Afghanistan Blog and found this little gem: Read more…or Read more right here…

Ucs News reports that Osama bin bin Laden is blocking access to millions of blogs on the grounds that they aren’t legitimate sources of news and information. Bin Laden is also clamping down on the numerous blogs posted be current and former Al-Qaeda members.

Ayman al-Zawahiri reports on the Official Al-Qaeda web site that the military intelligence wing of the terrorist organization is blocking “just about any site with the word ‘blog’ in its web address.” and shooting Al-Qaeda personnel that have their own blogs.

The issue of Al-Qaeda blogs has troubled bin laden and his organization for some time. With most Al-Qaeda members is faraway deployments facing stressful working conditions it’s no surprise that many have turned to blog posting to stay in touch with friends and family.

Al-Qaeda in Iraq, decimated by suicide attacks and the loss of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, suffered many security leaks due to My spaces pages. According to a search of My Space in 2005 over 125 Al-Qaeda in Iraq members maintained My Space pages and regularly blogged about ongoing operations.

I thought it was funny.

Me too when I first read it…The Charges up next…

The Charges I got the MFR (memorandum for record) on the reasons for why I have been told to stop blogging. Before I get started, let me state that I am no longer blogging. Instead, ASP is now an online eZine and write articles in a journalistic capacity. Read more…or Read more right hereThe “complaints” registered against me as potentially violating military regulations as well “good order and discipline within the Army” are as follows “in no particular order of merit”:

* failure of an active duty Soldier to register any and all online communications with his commanding officer and forwarded to this office for tracking.

* wearing the uniform of a United States Army Soldier at unofficial military functions giving the appearance of acceptance and support by such (did a lawyer write this?).

* speaking on behalf of the United States Army while conducting telephonic, radio, and online interviews with various traditional and nontraditional media outlets without proper authorization or credentials.

* disrespect to military officers, military civilians, and duly elected members of the Congress of the United States.

* interfering in ongoing joint investigations into international fraud by the Departments of State and Justice.

* publicly threatening civilians and citizens of friendly nations with whom the United States is an ally as a member of the United States Army.

There were a few others, but these were the meat and bones accusations. Naturally, this is a very skewed view of the realities of what we do here at ASP. Either someone is looking to pin on a second star or we have some really big morons in places of power. Oh, wait, this isn’t a blog – it’s a journalistic endeavor. Let me do this correctly…

Mr. Grisham minimized the impact of threats against him by saying that “someone is looking to pin on a second star or we have some really big morons in places of power.”

“I’m just waiting to see where this is going,” Grisham added. “I’m 100% positive that I will come out of this on top and a lot of people in high places will owe me coins of achievement for having proven them wrong. That is the only apology from the Pentagon I will accept. And they need to be in those nice plastic cases, too!”

A Soldier’s Perspective will definitely be following this story closely since it impacts us directly. Stay tuned.

Just say the word…HOOAH??

Don’t Panic

I want to thank everyone for their support as we negotiate our issues with Big Brother. However, I want to ask that people be level headed for now. We’re still in the preliminary stages trying to figure out what’s going on. I’m communicating personally with the office and trying to get them to be specific about what rules I’ve specifically violated on which specific posts.

I would also ask that no one cast stones yet. I don’t believe that a particular group is responsible for this. I’m quite certain that people like CF and others are innocent and I ask that you please don’t blame them (unless we find out otherwise). Liberals are people too. They just have their head screwed on wrong when it comes to military and national defense issues. ;o)

I will tell you that the conversations are heated and I won’t back down until I’m even partially convinced I’ve done something wrong. There are a couple of sayings we have in the military: “Pick your battles” and “Do what your rank can handle”. I’ve never been good at that first one. To me, there are no degrees of wrong – there is just wrong. But, I know what my rank can handle and I won’t do anything to jeopardize that. Thanks again for the support. I’m hanging in there.

And then, the last post before the “MEMO”…

My Two Cents

Well, you’ve all heard what is going on from CJ. I got a letter very similar to the one he received, and I’ve followed the instructions in it..so far. I haven’t contacted CJ directly so I’m following the demands made upon me…kinda.

I’m not real sure what drew the attention to CJ and I. I’ve been kinda quiet for a few months for some personal reasons so I know I didn’t do anything to get the guy looking to pin on the 3rd star mad. Unless he is mad I haven’t been writing. I really don’t know.

Since I can’t talk to CJ directly, I need someone to tell him to keep his head up. I’m not sweating this whole thing so neither should he. I’m sure we’ll pull through this just fine. I do pay attention to the posts and I haven’t seen him post anything that he shouldn’t have. Well, except for the LOLcats that aren’t even close to the funniest ones out there. Not posting the funniest is a crime in and of itself, by the way.

Back to the topic. Yes, I am okay. No, I haven’t been busted down. And yes, we will find out the real reason we are being targeted.

All we need now is the rest of the story…

EAGLES UP ALERT! A Soldier’s Perspective Has Been Closed Down


[UPDATE(S)] (another Milblogger has just shut down…From My Position…Chuck…

I received an email with the following attached:

Apparently, either a Moonbat lodged a complaint or some libtard in the military lodged a complaint. I have been reading their blog for quite some time and haven’t seen anything on there that shouldn’t have been. They were an absolutely trustworthy source of data and this is a travesty. So much for freedom of expression, eh? The following are some of the posts with the cease and desist orders…thank God for RSS feeds, eh? I will include he links just in case the can come back up…

It’s the Berkeley type of being under attack. It’s more like a political one that is delaying the best equipment from getting into the hands of the troops. Where are the candidates on this issue? […]

This is in regards to equipment not getting to the troops…remember the air-to-air refueling issues? Boeing got PO’d because they lost out and CONgress Critters got involved…democrat politicians with panties in wads…

I got this in my email and since I can’t find a link to the story, I’m going to reprint it here in its entirety. It’s a bit long, but what a great story. Here’s the teaser, with the story below the fold: […]

This is in regards to a story about now Chief Warrant Officer Fred White who was wounded in action as a Cavalry Scout in the Persian Gulf War, losing some fingers and eventually became a Warrant Officer and returned to duty flying Black Hawks…

This next one will be in its entirety…posted on 3/28/2008,

Cease and Desist

I’ve always found it interesting when told to cease and desist. I mean, the word desist means to cease. So, aren’t they really saying “cease and cease”. Seems redundant to me.

1SG Grisham,

After receiving numerous complaints to the Pentagon’s OPSEC Coordinating Authority on Nontraditional Media (I didn’t even know they existed), we have been directed to open an inquiry to your “military blog”, A Soldier’s Perspective (http://www.soldiersperspective.us). A cursory review of our database shows that you have not formally registered your site with our office. In view of this and the necessity to open an active review into the content on your site, you are hereby ordered to CEASE and DESIST all blogging until your review is complete.

Within the next 24 hours, you should receive information relating to the facts that have contributed to this decision. If you have any questions, you can contact our office at [contact information deleted – but confirmed as authentic].

I only reprinted the money part. The rest is standard “this is my mandate” crap. I spoke with Marcus about this and he received the same letter as a co-author. However, his directed that we have no contact with each other via email or other communication means until this is complete. I wonder why mine didn’t say that. Ladies and Gentlemen, this isn’t new. We’ve been threatened like this before. Rest assured that I will not back down while I still have the means to resist. We have done nothing wrong, violated no regulations, and spoke the truth at all times. Whoever is making this complaint will probably end up looking bad in the end. I guess we’ll know Monday or Tuesday what is going on. Since I got this late in the afternoon on Friday, I doubt they’re doing anything over the weekend. No one in my chain of command has ordered me to stop blogging and until they do, I won’t stop. I haven’t violated the new Army Regulation 530-1 and neither has any other blogger on this site. I guess no one was listening when General Caldwell was trying to convince the Army about the value of milbloggers. Don’t go writing your Congressman yet. Let’s see how this plays out and I promise that if things get ugly, I’ll be leading the charge to the halls of Congress. However, feel free to link to this post to raise awareness.

Consider it linked and the eFax Deluxe is ready and primed. Next up…

It’s Contagious I was reading 1SG Troy’s Military and Afghanistan Blog and found this little gem: Read more…or Read more right here…

Ucs News reports that Osama bin bin Laden is blocking access to millions of blogs on the grounds that they aren’t legitimate sources of news and information. Bin Laden is also clamping down on the numerous blogs posted be current and former Al-Qaeda members.

Ayman al-Zawahiri reports on the Official Al-Qaeda web site that the military intelligence wing of the terrorist organization is blocking “just about any site with the word ‘blog’ in its web address.” and shooting Al-Qaeda personnel that have their own blogs.

The issue of Al-Qaeda blogs has troubled bin laden and his organization for some time. With most Al-Qaeda members is faraway deployments facing stressful working conditions it’s no surprise that many have turned to blog posting to stay in touch with friends and family.

Al-Qaeda in Iraq, decimated by suicide attacks and the loss of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, suffered many security leaks due to My spaces pages. According to a search of My Space in 2005 over 125 Al-Qaeda in Iraq members maintained My Space pages and regularly blogged about ongoing operations.

I thought it was funny.

Me too when I first read it…The Charges up next…

The Charges I got the MFR (memorandum for record) on the reasons for why I have been told to stop blogging. Before I get started, let me state that I am no longer blogging. Instead, ASP is now an online eZine and write articles in a journalistic capacity. Read more…or Read more right hereThe “complaints” registered against me as potentially violating military regulations as well “good order and discipline within the Army” are as follows “in no particular order of merit”:

* failure of an active duty Soldier to register any and all online communications with his commanding officer and forwarded to this office for tracking.

* wearing the uniform of a United States Army Soldier at unofficial military functions giving the appearance of acceptance and support by such (did a lawyer write this?).

* speaking on behalf of the United States Army while conducting telephonic, radio, and online interviews with various traditional and nontraditional media outlets without proper authorization or credentials.

* disrespect to military officers, military civilians, and duly elected members of the Congress of the United States.

* interfering in ongoing joint investigations into international fraud by the Departments of State and Justice.

* publicly threatening civilians and citizens of friendly nations with whom the United States is an ally as a member of the United States Army.

There were a few others, but these were the meat and bones accusations. Naturally, this is a very skewed view of the realities of what we do here at ASP. Either someone is looking to pin on a second star or we have some really big morons in places of power. Oh, wait, this isn’t a blog – it’s a journalistic endeavor. Let me do this correctly…

Mr. Grisham minimized the impact of threats against him by saying that “someone is looking to pin on a second star or we have some really big morons in places of power.”

“I’m just waiting to see where this is going,” Grisham added. “I’m 100% positive that I will come out of this on top and a lot of people in high places will owe me coins of achievement for having proven them wrong. That is the only apology from the Pentagon I will accept. And they need to be in those nice plastic cases, too!”

A Soldier’s Perspective will definitely be following this story closely since it impacts us directly. Stay tuned.

Just say the word…HOOAH??

Don’t Panic

I want to thank everyone for their support as we negotiate our issues with Big Brother. However, I want to ask that people be level headed for now. We’re still in the preliminary stages trying to figure out what’s going on. I’m communicating personally with the office and trying to get them to be specific about what rules I’ve specifically violated on which specific posts.

I would also ask that no one cast stones yet. I don’t believe that a particular group is responsible for this. I’m quite certain that people like CF and others are innocent and I ask that you please don’t blame them (unless we find out otherwise). Liberals are people too. They just have their head screwed on wrong when it comes to military and national defense issues. ;o)

I will tell you that the conversations are heated and I won’t back down until I’m even partially convinced I’ve done something wrong. There are a couple of sayings we have in the military: “Pick your battles” and “Do what your rank can handle”. I’ve never been good at that first one. To me, there are no degrees of wrong – there is just wrong. But, I know what my rank can handle and I won’t do anything to jeopardize that. Thanks again for the support. I’m hanging in there.

And then, the last post before the “MEMO”…

My Two Cents

Well, you’ve all heard what is going on from CJ. I got a letter very similar to the one he received, and I’ve followed the instructions in it..so far. I haven’t contacted CJ directly so I’m following the demands made upon me…kinda.

I’m not real sure what drew the attention to CJ and I. I’ve been kinda quiet for a few months for some personal reasons so I know I didn’t do anything to get the guy looking to pin on the 3rd star mad. Unless he is mad I haven’t been writing. I really don’t know.

Since I can’t talk to CJ directly, I need someone to tell him to keep his head up. I’m not sweating this whole thing so neither should he. I’m sure we’ll pull through this just fine. I do pay attention to the posts and I haven’t seen him post anything that he shouldn’t have. Well, except for the LOLcats that aren’t even close to the funniest ones out there. Not posting the funniest is a crime in and of itself, by the way.

Back to the topic. Yes, I am okay. No, I haven’t been busted down. And yes, we will find out the real reason we are being targeted.

All we need now is the rest of the story…

A bomb threat against the Gathering of Eagles…UPDATED



A little over an hour ago, Michelle Malkin posted this:

I am pointing you to this left-wing nut’s threat so you know what we are up against–and to ensure that the screencap is saved. […]

She has the screen capture of the blog post threatening the Gathering of Eagles with a bomb threat. This is the actions of “peace groups”? I think not. They want an armed confrontation? Bring it on.

This shows that we Eagles are having an adverse affect on these pathetic anti-Americanists and if the government wishes this kind of activity so they don’t have to do their jobs in the name of political correctness, so be it.



Now the foolish IVAW coward is backing down the rhetoric due to its cowardice and empty suit garbage…what a pathetic cretin.


Looks like the moron got FIRED from the US Army…kind of hard to do unless, naturally, one is a whining and sniveling dunce…

Today, Knappenberger is a disillusioned Iraq War veteran, four months out of the military and on a one-man mission as a peace activist campaigning against Defense Department policies that he believes unethically support the continuation of the war. […]

Idiot…just like the rest of the cowards of IVAW…can’t accept responsibility for their own stupidity.


I took some screen shots of this poor thing’s original post and the following waffling post as well to display what a fraud this pathetic “peace movement” creature is…IT is no more a peace activist than I am a supporter of the dweeb Obama…

This is the originating “innocent” threat

The next two are the screeds of an idiot IVAW member…

So, I ask our loyal readers and listeners, are the above the ramblings of a “peaceful” and “honorable” person or are they the ramblings of an emotionally unsound and raving lunatic? I am just curious.

A bomb threat against the Gathering of Eagles…UPDATED



A little over an hour ago, Michelle Malkin posted this:

I am pointing you to this left-wing nut’s threat so you know what we are up against–and to ensure that the screencap is saved. […]

She has the screen capture of the blog post threatening the Gathering of Eagles with a bomb threat. This is the actions of “peace groups”? I think not. They want an armed confrontation? Bring it on.

This shows that we Eagles are having an adverse affect on these pathetic anti-Americanists and if the government wishes this kind of activity so they don’t have to do their jobs in the name of political correctness, so be it.



Now the foolish IVAW coward is backing down the rhetoric due to its cowardice and empty suit garbage…what a pathetic cretin.


Looks like the moron got FIRED from the US Army…kind of hard to do unless, naturally, one is a whining and sniveling dunce…

Today, Knappenberger is a disillusioned Iraq War veteran, four months out of the military and on a one-man mission as a peace activist campaigning against Defense Department policies that he believes unethically support the continuation of the war. […]

Idiot…just like the rest of the cowards of IVAW…can’t accept responsibility for their own stupidity.


I took some screen shots of this poor thing’s original post and the following waffling post as well to display what a fraud this pathetic “peace movement” creature is…IT is no more a peace activist than I am a supporter of the dweeb Obama…

This is the originating “innocent” threat

The next two are the screeds of an idiot IVAW member…

So, I ask our loyal readers and listeners, are the above the ramblings of a “peaceful” and “honorable” person or are they the ramblings of an emotionally unsound and raving lunatic? I am just curious.