Recent Political Follies-Comic Style

Chavez continues to build his communist monster; while in his mind he’s the most important person in the world, the King of Spain thinks otherwise–and let the air out of the gas bag’s sails by telling him to shut up. Chavez retaliated by stating he would economically cripple Spain; then he tried the same tactics at an OPEC meeting and met with the same results by the Saudi king.

His feelings hurt, he went to cry on his loved one’s shoulder–the sawed off asshole from Iran. The partnership from hell with the stated purpose of bringing down the US first and anyone who disagrees with them and their agenda next. But hollyweird loves the two little imps–they’re just so full of mischief, aren’t they, so warm and cuddly…barf.

Where’s Senator Joe McCarthy when you need him? Maybe he would be able to weed out not only the current communist crop, but weed out more of the illegal, islamic immigrants from sensitive government positions as well.


As stated in an earlier post here, the traditional Thanksgiving Turkey Pardon is a lot of good natured fun and games to start the holiday season. However, when it comes to real pardons, there’s a lot left to be desired. Most specifically, Lt. Col. Chessani, Lewis “Scooter” Libby and Agents Ramos and Compean all need to be pardoned immediately.


The continuing struggle to change the design of the Flight 93 Memorial from something extremely offensive to Americans to something that honors the murdered heroes, not the murderers. Only sicko liberals bent on appeasement fail to see the religious iconography of this design and how it appeases the islamic terrorists. Posts here and here have addressed this issue, complete with links to write to register your outrage and demand change.


The global warming hysteria continues…

Realists vs. those constantly crying wolf…

Dems determined to tank the economy for a lie…

Chairman of the Board indeed…


Immigration…a sticky issue for both sides…of course, the dems just want to give them all amnesty so they can build their voter base (having spent a generation killing off the future voters through abortion–not to mention the workers we now need to import because those future workers were aborted as well).

Fred Thompson has revealed his proposed immigration plan here and it’s a good one…learn from it liberals!

The reality of illegal immigration and it’s consequences to this country…


Contest time! Who IS (the definition of IS is…) the biggest turkey?



Wrong Way reid?

The constant doom-and-gloom, defeatist rhetoric of the dems and anti-Americans?

My vote? It’s a resounding tie for all of them–they’re all HUGE turkeys!

If only we COULD put them in time-out…WAIT! WE CAN–IT’S CALLED AN ELECTION!! YIPPEE!


Is the writer’s strike really such a “tragedy”? Don’t think so–People are getting back to basics in reading, connecting and spending time with families, ignoring the warmed over pablum and porn–maybe it would be a good thing for the strike to continue indefinitely.


As Congress and the dems whine about our standing on the world political stage and how we are loathed, hated, not relevant, everybody hates us, etc., they need to take a reality break–they truly are on the outside looking in.


And finally…what we take for granted is fought and paid for by our soldier’s blood. Be thankful we have the troops we have, dedicated volunteer men and women who are willing to die to ensure our freedoms. Save a special place in your heart for their courage and bravery, honor them when you see them, even if it’s only a simple thank you. What you and I take for granted, they fight, bleed and die for. Never, ever forget that. Ever.