Terrorism, Illegal Immigrants, the Left: Undocumented Democrats

This falls into the category of: “I wish I Had Said That!”

John W. Lillpop has written “Eureka! Democrat With Reasonable Stance on Immigration Found.”

“Most liberals regard illegal aliens as “Undocumented Democrats” and a veritable gold mine of opportunity for holding on to political power by coddling to those here unlawfully. For that reason, most Democrat politicians have abandoned reasonable concern about homeland security, preservation of American language and culture, and the stability of the American economy and social order in order to curry favor with Hispanics, the ethnic group with the greatest number of illegal aliens in the United States.
One can search high and low to unearth a liberal with a patriotic, pro-America stance on illegal immigration. That search will usually be futile, but there is a notable exception.
The exception is an U.S. Senator who has shown remarkable wisdom, foresight, and clarity, especially for a Democrat. His office released the following statements (in bold) concerning illegal immigration:”

Go to Lillpop’s article and find out who this amazing Democrat is and what new bill he’s introduced!!!

The United States has lost 700,000 high-tech American jobs in the past 4 years to Foreign Workers: CALL YOUR U.S. SENATORS TODAY

This is from Numbers USA: “By the time you wake up later this morning and read this, Sen. Cornyn (R-TX) will be well on his way to ramming through a bill to radically increase foreign workers in the tech, nursing, physical therapy, science and engineering fields . . . Tell your Senators to NOT let Cornyn’s bill come up on the floor for any kind of discussion.”
Ask to speak to someone who handles immigration issues. Do NOT be long-winded. Keep it down to two or three sentences, something like: “I OPPOSE any increase to the H-1B program. The program is just used as cheap labor. Thank you.”

Click here to find your Senator’s phone numbers

Join Numbers USA

While most of America’s Loose Bolts (the loony left) act like Ostridges over illegal immigration and terrorism, the EU G6 nations agree to fight terrorism and illegal immigration

Do the Unions support Illegal Immigration?

This is from an article on Rossputin.com. “It is therefore no surprise that much of the pro-illegal alien activity in the past 18 months, such as the protests in Los Angeles, were backed and organized by unions.”

What’s in it for them?

Jews cast 12 percent of their votes for Republicans, 87 percent for Democrats. This is the highest percentage of their votes for Democrats since 1982, when they voted 82 percent for Democratic candidates.” See the rest of these election stats.

Who yet hasn’t been able to connect the dots to Islamic terrorism and the influx of illegal immigrants to America? Why on earth would American Jews be so soft on homeland security, illegal immigration, and terrorism to vote for the illegal/terrorist coddling Democrats? See the figures breakdown from the American Enterprise Institute on Hanna’s Blog. So please tell me because I’m still puzzled.

War on Christmas Continued

“University of Texas Chapter announced today that they will be displaying an “ACLU Nativity Scene” on the West Mall of the University of Texas campus on Monday and Tuesday, December 4th and 5th. The group’s intent is to raise awareness on the extremity of the ACLU, and bring to light its secular-progressive efforts to remove Christmas from the public sphere. The display, the first of its kind in the nation, will feature characters that are quite a bit different than the standard crèche . . .”