What the Right Bloggers Are Saying

Here’s my hat-tip to some of my favorite blogs today! Listed in no particular order.

America in Danger

The Golden State Fence Company, which built part of the border fence that is used to keep illegal immigrants out of the US, has been fined almost $5 million for hiring illegal workers. Two executives may face jail time. . .

Dumb OX News

War on Christmas . . . “ELF yourself?” Go Elf Yourself. “Elf your mother.” “Elf your children.” Quote unquote on the CBS’s movie tonight for children!!! THAT is the lovely Christmas gift from OFFICE MAX and CBS. Oh, right, it’s a cute website (elfyourself.com) where you can put your picture and message on an elf-o-gram, etc. BUT, duh! There’s only one allusion intended here. Ha, ha. Hilarious. Go Elf Yourself for Christmas! Courtesy of OFFICE MAX and CBS. . . .Take Action . . .Click Here to Send an Email to CBS . . .

Our Eternal Struggle

Scotland’s first contemporary feature film in Gaelic is in post-production. The BBC has begun broadcasting live sports coverage in Gaelic. A Gaelic-only high school has opened in Glasgow. A leading Scottish politician is seeking, via Brussels, to ensure Gaelic’s place as a European language. . .

Wake Up America

Victory Over Defeat and Defeatists
The one thing I will never understand is the political need from the left and Democratic party to see this country defeated. Does it stem from their deep seated hatred of Bush and the republican party or are they incapable of seeing the United States of America win the war on terror? . . .

Coalition of the War of the War on Christmas

Talks about A new Christian video game for Christmas . . .Filed under War On Christmas Toy BoycottsBoy this is tough……what happens when secular Santa brings you a Christian video game….where your goal is to kill the secular non-believers…….

Freedom Folks

Quote of the Day – you can’t miss this one!!!

Talk Wisdom

Entertainment Industry Hostile to People of Fatih . . .The Parents Television Council revealed in a new study that religious content on television is shown less frequently and more negatively on television. The new study, “Faith in a Box 2005-2006,” is a review of how religion is portrayed on prime time broadcast television. . .

Christmas Watch

This Christmas letter to Democrats is just really too good. Go read and enjoy.

Woman Honor Thyself

The epic Second Vatican Council in the 1960s introduced many changes, the chief among them being the declaration Nostra Aetate.

Meaning: In Our Time, it officially rejected the charge of deicide, and criticized hatred, persecution, or displays of anti-Semitism directed against Jews at any time, under any circumstance and by any one. It calls out for mutual respect between Catholics and Jews. . .

Jihad Watch

Russia defies West and goes ahead with nuclear fuel sale to Iran RUSSIA is to begin supplying Iran with nuclear fuel early next year despite mounting concern in the West that this could accelerate Tehran’s plans to build a nuclear bomb . . .

Kingdom Advancing

An excellent reply to criticism of I finally went to see The Nativity Story

Gates of Vienna

The Government is Not Your Friend . . .The government is constrained by political reality, and political reality is conditioned (if not generated) by the MSM, so we are stuck with a useless government. Eventually the new media will supplant the old, and our viewpoints will become more like the norm. At that point elections might start to reflect what the majority of people really feel about Islam, multiculturalism, and illegal immigrants (a.k.a. “undocumented Democrats”). But we’ve got at least another ten years before that happens . .

My Weekly Thoughts

There are a few facts to be considered by those who think Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Holocaust Conference was a great open forum. For starters, only those who believe the Holocaust is a hoax were invited to attend. (…still think it was a fair and open debate?…

Independent Conservative

I Think NYC Police Should Protest to Demand Better Treatment
It is the police that should be protesting for better treatment. They should protest that people they ask to stop their cars actually stop them. And that people not hit cops with their cars as well. . . . I’m Black and I’ve spent time in New York City. While there and every other place I’ve been in America I can never say I left a town with the feeling I was “treated like dirt”. . . . The fact of the matter is that Black kids don’t live to see 21 because of other Black kids that kill them. . . . Now given we know who really does the killing of Blacks in NYC, why won’t Sharpton and his followers shut down shopping in Harlem (Uptown), to remind Black New Yorkers that it should not be business as usual till Blacks commit less crime? . . .

Little Known Food and Water Safety Recipes

Disinfect Drinking Water:

Add 1/8 teaspoon (or 8 drops) of regular, unscented, liquid household bleach for each gallon of water, stir it well and let it stand for 30 minutes before you use it.
Source: http://www.epa.gov/safewater/faq/emerg.html

Right after 9/11 and the subsequent Anthrax scare, I read an article in the Fort Worth Star Telegram by two microbiologists stating that adding equal parts of household bleach and white vinegar to water would increase the disinfectant power of drinking water. (I’ve lost that article and have been unable to find it anywhere on the internet.) I’ve added equal parts of white vinegar and household bleach to our drinking water (see above for ratio) with no ill effects.

Warning: Adding Vinegar directly to bleach creates deadly Chlorine gas.

For City Slickers Too:

In the event of an emergency, and you can’t trust your public water supply, do the above to your water before drinking. After letting the water stand for 30 minutes, pour it into a gravity ceramic filter. Several brands are available on the internet. They are a little costly up front but a good one will take out over 99% of all sediment and pathogens and will save you big $$$ in the long run. Plus, you can take your ceramic filter on camping trips and you don’t need electricity. I’ve been using one brand since 9/11 and it works better than our old reverse osmosis filter.

Clean and Soak Produce before Eating:

When cleaning fresh produce I use equal parts (8 drops each) of chlorine bleach and white vinegar to a gallon of water for a 20 minute soak. Then I soak my veggies again for a few minutes in clear water before spinning dry. Yes, this does have a tendency to wilt lettuce and spinach, but you won’t end up hospitalized with E. Coli.

Surface DisinfectantKilling Power Of Bleach Increased By Vinegar (article refers to surface disinfectants only)

Adding white vinegar to diluted household bleach greatly increases the disinfecting power of the solution, making it strong enough to kill even bacterial spores. Researchers from MicroChem Lab, Inc. in Euless, Texas, report their findings today at the 2006 ASM Biodefense Research Meeting.

Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) in the form of laundry bleach is available in most households. The concentrate is about 5.25 to 6 percent NaOCl, and the pH value is about 12. Sodium hypochlorite is stable for many months at this high alkaline pH value.

“Laundry bleach is commonly diluted about 10 to 25-fold with tap water to about 2000 to 5000 parts per million of free available chlorine for use as an environmental surface disinfectant, without regard to the pH value of the diluted bleach. However, the pH value is very important for the antimicrobial effectiveness of bleach,” says Norman Miner, a researcher on the study.

At alkaline pH values of about 8.5 or higher, more than 90 percent of the bleach is in the form of the chlorite ion (OCl-), which is relatively ineffective antimicrobially. At acidic pH values of about 6.8 or lower, more than 80 percent of the bleach is in the form of hypochlorite (HOCl). HOCl is about 80 to 200 times more antimicrobial than OCl-.

“Bleach is a much more effective antimicrobial chemical at an acidic pH value than at the alkaline Ph value at which bleach is manufactured and stored. A small amount of household vinegar is sufficient to lower the pH of bleach to an acidic range,” says Miner.

Miner and his colleagues compared the ability of alkaline (pH 11) and acidified (pH 6) bleach dilutions to disinfect surfaces contaminated with dried bacterial spores, considered the most resistant to disinfectants of all microbes. The alkaline dilution was practically ineffective, killing all of the spores on only 2.5 percent of the surfaces after 20 minutes. During the same time period the acidified solution killed all of the spores on all of the surfaces.

“Diluted bleach at an alkaline pH is a relatively poor disinfectant, but acidified diluted bleach will virtually kill anything in 10 to 20 minutes,” says Miner. “In the event of an emergency involving Bacillus anthracis spores contaminating such environmental surfaces as counter tops, desk and table tops, and floors, for example, virtually every household has a sporicidal sterilant available in the form of diluted, acidified bleach.”

Miner recommends first diluting one cup of household bleach in one gallon of water and then adding one cup of white vinegar.

Source: http://www.survivalforum.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=9613&sid=106421479d2c8e4c9d63916f3bf3b754