Nominate a Blogger for a Halo

The “Blogger’s Halo Award” WILL go to the blogger who has not only created a vital up-to-the minute blog with a sizable readership and dedication to excellence, but this blogger would have gone way beyond the call of duty by demonstrating a selfless commitment to help other bloggers solve their blogging problems.

Nominate your favorite Blogger Saint today

1. Link to this post in your blog.
2. Leave a comment here that describes (in about one paragraph) why you think your favorite blog should receive a Halo. You may leave an anonymous comment if you like. (This is the honor system, so don’t nominate your own blog).
3. Return to this blog next weekend (after the 1st of the year) to vote on the finalists.

Note: You may nominate more than one blog, but follow the above directions with each nomination. Limit your nominations to one blog a day.

Read yesterday’s post The Blogger’s Halo Award 2006

Trackposted to:
Stop the ACLU, Dumb OX News, Woman Honor Thyself, The Florida Masochist, Rightwing Guy,
The Amboy Times, Right Truth, Church & State, Third World Country, Freedom Folks,
Stikenstein, Gun Toting Liberal, Conservative Times, The World According to Carl, Blue Star Chronicles, Right Nation, Israelated, Thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe